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Request from: @AlexsWRLD29

Little age: 5-1-0
(Male caregiver)

The male caregiver was making food in the kitchen while his little was napping in the room over. He was making pancakes and toast, knowing it was a favourite of the Littles.

As he was almost done, he heard the Littles bedroom door open and the little emerging out of the room, eyes tired and hair messy. She was yawning as she stood in the doorway.

The little had been regressed the whole day, seemingly getting younger as the day went on. Before he sent her down for a nap she was around the mental age of five but now he wasn't really sure how young she felt so he asked.

He began to walk over to her and asked her how old she was. She then held up one finger and began to rub her eyes. He nodded and then he picked her up and set her in her highchair as the food was done now.

He put his food down on the table and then put her food on her chair, cutting her food up and feeding it to her in small bites, remembering to eat his own food too.

Once they were done, he set the little in her playroom to play with her toys. She giggled and smiled as she was playing. Her daddy joining in to, adding to the excitement and fun.

"Bahhh" she said. The daddy smiled and nodded even though he didn't understand. "Yes bahhh, very good job baby"

A little while later the daddy noticed the little getting very quiet so he looked at her and picked her up, but he quickly noticed his arm become wet, so he looks at her pants.

She had an accident When she picked up on the fact that he had noticed she began to sob, being embarrassed of the fact that her daddy seen what happened. he carried her into the bedroom and got clothes, wipes, and whatever else she needed. Then he headed to the bathroom, all the while calming her down in the meantime.

Once they were in the bathroom he started the bath and placed her in it, she put up a fuss at first but got used to it. Her face was red from embarrassment and from crying. To the daddy that just made it all the more endearing and adorable. He praised her and helped her wash until she was clean and ready to get out of the bath.

Since she was all clean now he dressed her back up in her clothes but this time he made sure to put a diaper on her. He then carried her back into the kitchen to make her a bottle since it had been about three hours since she ate last and he figured she could go for a bottle.

"Alright hun it's bottle time!" He exclaimed as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Once the bottle was made he tested it on his arm to make sure it was the right temperature and then he walked over to the couch and sat. Then he laid her down in the crook of his neck and fed the bottle to her. They both were very comfortable.

Around halfway through the bottle he noticed she had started to nod off. So he put the bottle on the coffee table and carried her into her bedroom to sleep.

She peacefully slept for the rest of the day happily.


END :)

A special thanks to @AlexsWRLD29 and a thanks to all my readers too, make sure to drop a request for the next chapter below if you have any ideas!

Also thank you guys so much for over 2,000 readers, this means a lot and I appreciate it so so so much. Have a good day/night.

643 words

Age regression 🎀Where stories live. Discover now