I shouldn't be mad at them for sticking up for me, watching my back. I guess with everything happening that day, it just all seemed to pile up. 

Y/N's POV:

Walking to our designed spot to meet up with Min, my nerves began to grow as I kept biting my lower lip probably drawing blood from the pressure I was applying. 

"Y/N...if you don't feel comfortable doing this, I will be filming the whole interview. So you can just write off the videos. I can ask your questions too," Dani suggested. 

"That's very sweet of you but I'll be okay. Thank you."

As soon as we turned the corner, we saw Min in an athletic short-sleeve top that had the Mariners logo on it.  Lee Know, Han and a couple other office people were all present to watch the interview. Okay, here we go, I mentally prepared myself as I bowed to Lee Know, Han and Min who bowed back saying hello.

"Thank you for doing this interview with us," I said with a fake smile as I sat down and brought out my phone to began to record. Dani began to set up her camera while I looked over my notes one last time.

"Okay, ready!" She said as she sat down in between me and the camera after applying the microphone onto Seungmin's shirt. 

"Let me dial her." We sat and waited as Seungmin was calling his new fiancée on facetime. 

"Hello my love, we're here with the reporters!" Ugh....why....why? I thought as I looked at him in disgust. 

"Hi!" She waved, sounding different than when I first met her. She sounded super sweet and friendly, like a whole other person. Wow, she can switch her emotions just like that is amazing.

"Hello, it's very nice to meet you. Congratulations on your proposal," I said in a fake tone, trying to hold back my anger. She must not have seen me or maybe she doesn't recognize who I am. Either way it's fine.

"Thank you so much!"

"So how did you two get together?" I began my question, feeling as if I was in the George Orwell book 1984 where they put you in a room and it's with your worst fear. She began to explain how they met at a restaurant in Busan. 

"He caught my eye but I was super nervous to approach him even though my friends said I should. Plus, he was with all his teammates, I didn't want to be rude and interrupt him." She had a smile on her face as she relived the day. 

"And I saw her from across the table and she would turn her head away acting as if she wasn't staring at me. So I walked over."

Hearing them tell this story is making me sick, I hate being here. This is truly torture that I'm being paid to experience. It's like a haunted house, probably worse than that! But wait...it gets more unpleasant.

"I've never been this in love with anyone else, he is the man of my dreams," she gushed as I could see Min squirm in his seat. 

"Yeah, she...she is the best thing to ever happen to me," he voiced cracked before he cleared his throat. My heart felt as if someone was punching it repeatedly and kicked a few times for good measures. I mad the mistake of looking over Han who had this mouth dropped open from what Min said. 

We kept asking questions until we finally had no more, I was ready to get the hell out of here. 

"Well, thank you both so much!" I said wanting to throw up everywhere.

"Yes, thank you!" Dani said as Min and his fiancée smile back before Min said goodbye to her, hanging up the phone. 

"Thanks,"  I heard Min say as I was helping Dani pack up her camera and mics. 

I turned around to see him standing there sheepishly as if he did something wrong. I could only give a small smile as I turned back around to leave. 

"That was the worst interview I've ever experienced."  I said resting my head against the passenger's head rest as Dani sat in the drivers seat.

"At least it's over," she stated as she started the car. 

I closed my eyes, listening to how she's right, "I guess  but maybe Robbie can cover them when we get back to the states. I'm over this," I said feeling exhausted. 

Lee Know's POV: 

"How do you feel?"  I asked Min as we sat inside the car, looking behind him from the drivers seat, seeing his eyes closed as he sat in the back. 

"I really don't want to talk about it guys.."

I turned around, sharing a quick glance with Han before turning the car on to start driving. 

As soon as we got home, we were walking in about to go to our rooms to change when Seungmin asked if he could talk to us real quick. Han and I both agreed, following him to the living room.

We took our seats as Seungmin stood in front of us, seeing how heavy his eyes were. He seemed as if someone beat him up.

"I want to say first, thank you for looking out for me. I was upset because of everything that happened that day. Soyeon told me he was just a friend and we talked it out." Oh she is fucking lying to him? My wife knows what she saw...wow...I can't believe this. "But, from now on I think I can't hang out with Y/N. You guys obviously can...I just don't think we can be in the same room anymore. I can talk to her like a reporter but that's it."

"Yeah, Min...that's fine. We get it." Han spoke up as I wanted to tell him his precious fiancée is lying but I only shook my head while biting my tongue. 

"Thanks guys, I'm glad that you understand. I wanted to ask before we live in Seattle and I know you guys will be spending a lot of time with Y/N when we are there."

"Of course...we're here for you." I said in a fake tone because I want them to end up together...I just need a way to show Min that Soyeon is the wrong person but I don't know how. 

Cover Me Now - Stray Kids' Kim Seungmin - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now