A rough day

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Sorry for not updating in a while.

TW: Scenes of violence and school bullies, if that triggers you skip the second paragraph

Piper woke up to Matilda calling her, Matilda exclaimed "Piper! You won't believe what happened, some man at his grown age threw a temper tantrum over Punnett squares and spray painted '#IHATEPUNNETTSQUARES' on the grass in the college campus! He got expelled after a few weeks but the only reason why he didn't initially is because his mother donated a building to the college!" Piper responded "Woah, that's insane, but I have to get to school so bye" Piper hung up and went to go get ready for school, after she was done she ate a bowl of cereal and then hopped onto the bus. On the bus a girl called Nellie made fun of her, "Piper, you look like a boy with that short hair! And did you go dumpster diving for those shoes?" She said, despite the fact that Piper's hair was shoulder length, and her shoes were relatively new, so Piper shouted "YOU CAN GO EAT A FREAKING TURD, YOU UGLY FAT TRAMP". Nellie was pretty irked by this so she replied "Piper, meet me in the track field after school". 

Later that day, Piper met Nellie in the track field, eager to win a fight against her. She took a moment to look for Nellie, and spotted her near the bleachers. "HEY BUTTER-FACE!" Nellie exclaimed, she was trying to act tough but really wasn't, and Piper walked towards her, then Nellie swung a punch and Piper dodged, then she yanked Piper's hair and Piper groaned in pain. After a few minutes Nellie had gave her a bald spot, a big one.. And that is when Piper decided she isn't going to let Nellie win that easily. While Nellie was yanking what was left of Piper's hair, Piper swiftly grabbed Nellie's elbow and dislocated it. 

In conclusion Piper won the fight, but was left with bald spots. Piper got scared during the fight and it hurt her stomach (from anxiety), now that the fight was over, she went to the bathroom and had diarrhea on the walls, her mouth was agape and she was aghast. She simply couldn't believe it, she finished up and washed her hands, then ran out of there as quick as she could. Piper went home and decided to do a puzzle, it took hours and she finished it.. but there was 3 missing pieces! She looked high and low, and in every nook and cranny for this piece, but she ended up 1 piece in a pile of dog poop! She was devastated and not even one of her favorite cloying romance movies could help her. Piper had a huge bald spot, had diarrhea on the walls, and found a puzzle in a pile of dog poop; she truly has had a rough day. She turned on a cloying romance movie and her bunny somehow vomited, despite the fact bunnies can't vomit. That's how disgusting that movie was.

To be continued...

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