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Hunger aka (the hungry or starving creature)
Hunger is a dark creature wears grey knitted clothes and a dark grey belt with white glowing eyes and having barefeet
It has having polyphagia and is leading to severe hunger pangs
Hunger is known to be a bloodsucking creature that sucks the person's blood
It is craving or devouring food and consuming blood, its abilities to run fast, and sniff that allows to track, roaring them away, regeneration and immortality

The story is beginning...

There was a man who worked at his office and something hears strange creature sound that comes from he grabs a gun put inside his suitcase, so he started to run away as he spotted the top he throw up with his suitcase here and Jumps high, falls down he will run and stay in hiding but once hunger sneaking a man, the man was shocked so he grab a gun with his suitcase and shot the creature as the hunger regenerating itself, it will start to roar at him as the man running away and hunger starts to chase, the man about able to escape but caught by hunger and the creature sucking his blood as is done wipe off its blood and walk away leaving him dead

At Night

The police at his police station put his papers to the desk and left the police station, and as the paper showed, "The man found dead on the ground" he turns in the flashlight and went searching a creature, hunger hiding a tree stalking him, the police able to find it there was a white glowing eyes hiding in the bushes and start making a sound the police get freaked out he will go near and check what's inside there but it was nothing, the hunger walks fast over him and sucking his blood also leaving him for dead

If you see hunger here, try to give it food once you give more food enough so hunger becomes full as it doesn't killed you, before you don't give it enough food it means hunger stills hungry will attack you and sucking your blood once you have any food a lot

You can go watch the film in here but it's malay verse

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