The Mall

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Piper called Matilda to tell her about her pristine bald spot, and Matilda decided she was going to take Piper to the mall.

Matilda drove to pick Piper up, and Piper hopped in, she glanced around the car and spotted a big jar of mayonnaise on the dashboard of Matilda's car, "Matilda, why is that there" Piper questioned, "Oh, you will see" Matilda replied giggling. Matilda began driving and she drove quite recklessly, she was NOT a good driver (this is why her mom didn't trust her to drive to school) but Piper ignored it. After a few minutes Matilda hit a speed bump and Piper shouted "WOAH, I KNOW YOU ARE WITHIN THE SPEED LIMIT BUT SLOW DOWN A BIT", Matilda responded "No thanks" with a hint of pettiness in her voice, and then they reached the mall.

Matilda and Piper escorted themselves out of the car, Matilda grabbed the mayonnaise off the dashboard and shoved it into her purse, they walked into the mall and abruptly smelt the aroma of fresh, gooey pretzels, Matilda gave in and bought some for her and her sister. "Alright, let's go get you a hat for that bald spot" Matilda said after she had ate her pretzel, then her and Piper walked over to a clothing store. Piper noticed a purple beanie with rhinestones on the trim, she showed it to Matilda, "Mattie, can I get this one?" Matilda said yes and bought it for her. Then Matilda and Piper went to a bench and sat, they talked a bit since they haven't talked in a while, then Matilda grabbed the mayonnaise jar and begin eating out of it with a spoon, everybody gave her dirty looks, she began laughing pretty hard because what actually is inside of it is vanilla pudding. She continued eating "Mayonnaise" and going "mmhmmhmm" while holding in her laugh, even Piper gave her a dirty look before she caught on. Matilda decided she had enough and asked "Piper, wanna go back to that clothing store and get a t-shirt?" Piper agreed and they went and bought 2 graphic t-shirts each, then they opted to go home and do a puzzle since Matilda was on spring break for college. When they got there they greeted their parents and then went to the living room and pulled out a puzzle from its box, then obviously they did the puzzle, fortunately there was no dog poop this time.

to be continued...


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