Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141

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Zach and Ruby'ck strolled alongside the villagers, their eyes caught sight of ships drawing near, and amidst the bustling crowd stood Seraphina and Lyra, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Killian and Micah.

"I wonder what tales they'll bring after a year at sea."

"Whatever it may be, I'm sure it'll be an adventure worth hearing."

"Killian's known for his knack with a sword. Perhaps he's returned with tales of battling sea monsters!"

"Or maybe they've discovered new lands beyond the horizon!"

The vessels finally reached the shoreline, Zach's grip tightened on Ruby'ck's hand, his anticipation palpable. Sensing his unease, Ruby'ck moved closer, offering reassurance in her calm voice.

"It'll be alright, Zach. I'm here," she whispered, her words a soothing balm to Zach's racing thoughts.

Zach's gaze softened, finding solace in Ruby'ck's presence as he nodded in gratitude.

"Thank you, Ruby'ck," he murmured, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he returned her reassuring gaze.

With renewed composure, they turned their attention to the villagers who greeted Micah and Killian with joyous exclamations.

"Killian, Micah! Welcome back to the embrace of Ember Wind! Your return is a cause for celebration!"

"Welcome back, Killian!"

"It's been too long, Micah!"

"Welcome home!"

"Ah, Micah! The winds have carried you back to us! Welcome, welcome!"

"Killian! Your return fills us with joy and excitement! Welcome back, old friend!"

But amidst the jubilation, a figure disembarked from the ship, sending shockwaves of disbelief through Zach and Ruby'ck.

"Zach, that's... that's him... Eldritch..." Ruby'ck gasped, her voice trembling with fear as she clutched Zach's arm.

Zach's breath caught in his throat as he whispered the name, his mind reeling at the unexpected appearance of Eldritch.

"Eldritch... What brings you here..." Zach managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Panic threatened to overwhelm them, Ruby'ck's voice quivered as she suggested, "Should we... should we run, Zach? They might be here to capture us..."

Zach's grip on Ruby'ck's hand tightened, his fingers providing a reassuring anchor amidst the storm of emotions swirling around them. "Listen, Ruby'ck," he began, his voice calm yet earnest, "I know the sight of Eldritch can be unsettling, but trust me, he's not the same man he once was. After all those years consumed by vengeance, he's finally found solace in laying down his sword and embracing a life of peace."

His words carried the weight of understanding, born from firsthand encounters with Eldritch's inner turmoil. "I've spoken with him before, Ruby'ck. He came to Ember Wind seeking retribution, but in the end, it was forgiveness he found. His heartache over the loss of his wife drove him to dark places, but now... now he's on a different path."

Zach's gaze softened as he met Ruby'ck's eyes, his own resolve unwavering. "We have nothing to fear from Eldritch anymore. He's not here to harm us."

Relief flooded through Ruby'ck as she exhaled slowly, her fear dissipating in the face of Zach's reassurance.

"But it's Micah and Killian we need to watch out for now," Zach continued grimly, his gaze shifting towards the returning sailors. "Do they know who we are, as the Renaissance band, or not?" he mused, his voice low with concern.

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