Notices - 2 (26th, of April, 2024)

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$- Author's statement -$

Well, 1.5k reads since this started is absurd, what like a month or so ago. So, HUGE THANKS TO YOU ALL, couldn't of done this without you. (unless i made tones of extra accounts but then i would be wasting my time NOT Writing the next chapter.)

Not much to say other than that. Well, mainly that i wrote this Notices chapter as to mostly give the readers something to read. As im only halfway through writing the next episode as of now and you are all definitely starving. (maybe, idk really but i felt a little bad for keeping you all out in the cold for this long.)

Am slightly annoyed at how Yeva has NO Dialogue in ep 7 of the show, leading me to head cannon her as mute (or at least selectively mute). Which would be really hard to write, plus the fact she already has dialogue in Soft Reboot. So, Mute Yeva isn't happening, as much as i would like it too.

I made the skit too big as well, heh, enjoy the extra content

$- For Episode 1 "Pilot" -$

Rereading Soft Reboot has shown me that...The chapter "Pilot - An Uneventful Morning After The Main Event" was written horridly. So, changes to that were applied.

- DD Rebecca now actually has a reason not to jump down and kill the other drone on sight anymore. Since that was a big plot hole.

- Slight changes to Jackals appearance. (he also went through a MAJOR Ret-con lol, Just like Thad in the actual show.)

- Spelling and grammer errors that i have found along the way have been dealt with as per normal.

- Changed the formating of the Notices chapter to no longer include the day, it still has the date. But not the day on it, I just felt weird about that and decided to remove it.

$- Skit -$

A photo softly made its way to the floor, fluttering down to the carpeted ground. It rested there for about a minute while its companions were whisked away in their box. Carried to the bolted up door across the lounge room, Yeva crouching down to place the cardboard box down while she went to find a key for the near abandoned room.

While she was gone, a purple pair of neon eyes sighted the photo from their sleeping bag. Uzi looking at the photo for a second while Yeva disappeared into another room. The pajama wearing drone sneaking over and grabbing the photo as soon as she could, accidentally stepping on Doll's hair with her foot as she did. Her new black boots having been taken off and stored near the exit when the emo youngster had reluctantly arrived here yesterday.

Doll's reflective red hair splayed out across the carpet from where she slept, Uzi knowing that the girl wished to change it to something more like her mother's. She looked stupid with it anyway. Thank robogod Doll was a heavy sleeper Uzi thought as she sat behind the couch with the artifact, evidently to hide from Fake Mum.

It was from one of the boxes Fake Mum had taken from her real mum's room. Yeva having spent all day moving them from the cold and near empty house that belonged to the Doorman family, whilst having a bandage over half her visor too. Said bandage having been used to hide the broken glass of Yeva's visor after Uzi had thrown something at her in one of the girl's edgy and over the top rages that she often had.

On the back of the photo was a list of names marked down in black pen and in different writing styles. Nori Doorman, Khan Doorman, Yeva, Molotov, Sarah Day, Kelsey Day, Amel Day, and Burten Stromfront.

The photo itself seemingly containing all of these drones, all of them at some kind of party. Sitting and chatting happily around a table with a banner with the WDF logo on it hanging blissfully above them. Nori leaning back on her seat with a pill child in her arms, Fake Mum holding one as well as the ushanka wearing drone next to her. Both of their Untrained Neural Networks displaying red eyes, while Nori's displayed a trio of purple Z's.

"Что ты делаешь?.. Ох, хм... Ты можешь хотя бы попытаться заснуть?"

(What are you doing?.. Oh, hmm... Can you at least try to sleep?)

Uzi stifled a noise of surprise as she looked up from the photo she had been enraptured with to see a tired Yeva standing near her. The older drone sighed warmly as she knelt down to be level with Uzi and slid the photo out of the purple haired drones grasp. Giving a playful flick to Uzi's demon horn headband before picking her up as well, Uzi being too tired to resist the sudden motherly affection and quickly fell asleep in Fake Mum's arms.

$- Fin -$

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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