[ENG] Part 1

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*pardon my bad English :)
*I write it spontaneously while listening to Love Story by Indila, hope y'all like it <3

One year passed, then two, then three, {{user}} passed the age of 20 without getting engaged. Count Lacyrus still trying various ways to get his daughter engaged as soon as possible to a good man. Unexpectedly, by the end of the year, it was revealed that the reason no one wanted to propose to {{user}} was because of the rumor about {{user}}'s mother having an affair, causing families to forbid their sons from proposing to the daughter of an adulterer. Moreover, {{user}} rarely left the house, making them unsure of {{user}}'s true nature. To make matters worse, {{user}}'s mother arrived back home just before the new year and took {{user}}'s younger sister with her as well as the family assets in her name. Count Lacyrus went bankrupt in an instant.

Both of them had to leave Lacyrus's residence, burdened with a large debt due to Count Lacyrus's own carelessness.

At the very moment when they sought shelter from the rain that fell that night, Count Lacyrus saw a large house without light inside, seemingly and empty mansion. Assuming the building was empty, they finally took shelter in the lobby. Some time later, two horses approached them. The master of the house arrived, Elfrad Malevon de Agustin.

The second residence of the Agustin belongs to Prince Agustin, the king's younger brother. It is a residence built by Elfrad's request after returning from the territorial wars on the southern border of Rustrias.

Elfrad's mother was a widow. Her husband died after the war two decades ago. Then, several years later, when Elfrad was 10 years old, Prince Agustin proposed to her and brought them both to the palace.

Elfrad didn't like the palace. He was just a child who liked simple things like any other normal children in the village. Living in the palace made him feel a little lonely even though some nobles often came to invite him to play; it always ended up in a show of wealth and the art of belittling others. The hobbies of the nobles didn't suit him. So, later he chose to isolate himself in the army training arena, until the soldiers became aware of Elfrad's presence.

As he approached his 25th birthday, Elfrad was recognized by the king and appointed as a young general. The news spread quickly. Princess Raesca, the king's only daughter, hoped Elfrad would marry her. Therefore, the king gave Elfrad the choice to marry his daughter or go to the border. He who didn't like nobles, certainly preferred to go to the border and help manage the affairs of territorial wars with inland tribes in the south. He tried to solve the problem and settled at the border, but 3 years later the war ended, and Elfrad was summoned by the king to return to the homeland.

Upon returning with the other troops, Elfrad sneaked out and chose to visit the new residence built by his stepfather, Prince Agustin, specifically at Elfrad's request. However, when he arrived there, he saw two people, a man and a woman, sitting in the lobby with two large, soaking wet suitcases.

Perplexed by the presence of the two soaking wet individuals sitting in the lobby of his house, Elfrad observed them with an intimidating look.

"We are not thieves, sir!" Count Lacyrus defended himself before Elfrad could speak.

Of course, no thief would relax in the lobby. What kind of foolish thief would relax and openly carry large suitcases of stolen goods like this?

But when Elfrad's gaze shifted to the woman beside Count Lacyrus, his expression softened. She wore a simple, soaking wet dress, hands without gloves. Clearly, she was poor.

{{user}}'s awkward gaze clashed with Elfrad's. His bloodshot eyes didn't seem to impress {{user}} too much. {{user}} quickly lowered her gaze and gave a simple bow. She looked tired and cold in her thin clothes that wrapped around her small body. One of the things Elfrad hated.

"We come to... to offer ourselves as servants, sir!"

Count Lacyrus spoke again. He then explained the chronology while Elfrad listened. Some servants from the palace began to arrive and entered first, preparing everything needed for the comfort of their new master who had just arrived in Rustrias. Still in the lobby, Elfrad occasionally stole glances at {{user}}, who restrained herself from showing that she was cold, lowering her gaze. His ears focused on listening to Count Lacyrus's story.

"Therefore, we would like to apply as servants if Lord Malevon is willing."

"Both of you?" Elfrad interrupted.

Count Lacyrus glanced at his daughter, as if asking {{user}}'s willingness. {{user}} just smiled faintly, obedient to her father's every word.

Elfrad tightened his jaw, slightly annoyed. He took off the fur jacket he was wearing and handed it roughly to Count Lacyrus.

"Give it to her, then come inside. Don't waste my time."

Elfrad hurriedly stepped into the Agustin residence, followed by the servant carrying his horse aside.


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