The Serial Playgirl

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"My lovers are the best lovers in the world

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"My lovers are the best lovers in the world."
- Munia Khan

Unknown number: Good evening! How was your day? Did you eat dinner already?

Jennie almost forgot about the cocky stranger. It took her few minutes to decide whether to respond or not because she typically doesn't entertain potential friends and suitors via text.

And honestly, Jennie is cringing right now. She doesn't like this, 'did you eat already' punchline. It's so corny!

But because the cocky stranger seems to be a decent person (at least this is what Jennie thinks) and also friends with her friend— she gave it a go.

Jennie: It was good. Nothing special. Yes, I've already eaten. Thanks for asking.

Unknown number: I'm sorry. Am I disturbing you? Is it your bedtime already?

Jennie looked at her wall clock and it says 9:00PM. It is her bedtime but for some reason she doesn't know why she doesn't want to disappoint the cocky stranger, so she lied.

Jennie: No. It's not.

Unknown number: Are you okay? You sound like something's off. Did something happen?

Jennie: I'm alright. I'm just really tired.

Unknown number: You can talk to me. I'm a good listener and I can keep secrets.

Jennie smiled at the cocky stranger's generous text. 'He's not that bad. He's actually kinda sweet.', she thought.

Jennie: I'm really okay. I just have no energy anymore after a day of people-ing. My social battery is drained.
Jennie: You're obviously an extrovert so you don't know how an introvert like me feels.

Unknown number: I'm sorry. I'll let you rest then. Talk to you tomorrow.

Jennie: Nah. You're good. So, tell me something about you.

Unknown number: Hmmm... Lemme think. I have an older sister, her name is Rosie and she is annoying. I have a yorkshire terrier named Bruno and I love him more than my sister. Volleyball is my life and I love riding my bike every morning before going to school.
Unknown number: How about you? Tell me about YOU.

Jennie: Ugh! I knooowww. Siblings are annoying AF.
Jennie: Awww! I bet Bruno is dang cute. I also have a dog. He's pomerianian and his name is Kuma and I looovveee him to death!
Jennie: I love doing and trying variety of things and hobbies to keep me entertained and busy.

Unknown number: That's pretty vague. Give me examples.

Jennie: Well, I might bore you to death if I list everything.

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