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You had something special to you. I'm not quite sure what exactly made you stick out to me when I knew nothing about you. I guess you just spoke to me differently. In a way that I wasn't used to it. I didn't like men. I still don't like men. You're an exception. At first, if I'm being honest, when I started blocking everyone, I think the reason I left you was because you were something I wasn't used to, you were something completely new to me. I wanted to give you a chance to see if there were people out there who were okay.

I guess during that time I fell in love. It was never my intention to. I wasn't looking for someone when I found you. I find that makes meeting you special too. You're so special to me. You're my everything. When I met you, I would've never thought of you becoming this important to me.
When I said there was nothing that really made you stick out when I didn't know you, it doesn't apply to now. I like everything about you. You stick out from everyone. There's no one like you. There's no one similar to you. You're like a tulip in a field of daisies. And even if there was someone else who was like you, I do not want someone like you, I want you. I'd never leave you for anyone else. Neither would I ever look at someone the way I look at you.

I kind of slipped off topic, but what makes you so different, for example, is the way you think. I find your way of thinking unique. We do not think alike. Maybe with some things, but definitely not everything. What I can say is though, that I truly find your ideas and thoughts interesting and understandable, and connected to that is how you explain things. You do lose your temper sometimes, but I don't blame you. I'm quite slow. I find that you explain things well. You always try to, too. That actually makes me happy that you try and put the effort in to try to explain things to me. I'm grateful for that.

Also, something I find that makes you special is how you express yourself. The words you chose to, how you think about what you wanna say, and while we're at the topic thinking, I know you overthink about overthinking itself.

Overthinking can be quite the bother. And you may think of it as a curse, and I can imagine, since you'll have thoughts roaming around your head all the time and it'll get tiring and drain you. But I want you to know that I actually admire your ability to think about things in depth.
I can't hear my thoughts. I never know how to answer when people ask me what I'm thinking about, I find it so difficult to respond to that question. Instead of thoughts, they're more like feelings to me, and you probably have both. Either way, I just wanted to tell you that it's one of the things I admire about you.
You can think of every possible outcome, and I really find that admirable.

You're admirable.

I love everything about you, and I mean it.
Don't even think for a second that I forgot to mention how ethereally gorgeous you are. I don't know who got the idea into you that you're not handsome, but let me tell you something. You're the most beautiful, breathtaking, handsome creature I have ever seen, and I will ever get to see. You're crafted by the hands of God himself. Literally. Everything about you is perfect. Whoever designed you made you to be the most perfect work of art they've ever made. Every inch of you is perfect. Every millimetre. I've never seen someone prettier in my whole entire life. I have never looked at a person and stopped breathing just to admire them. You're my first. In fact you're my first everything.

I simply do not understand how you do not like your eyes. I can't. I really try to understand every person's side but I can't even fathom not liking your eyes. Your eyes are a color of green that I don't know the name of. There's this poem that I really liked and that stuck to me, it goes something like "your eyes are a glimpse into another world, a world that you had encountered long before mine". I think it also connects to this thing where people say eyes hold all the past. You had a rough past. I know that. But your eyes are gorgeous. They're the most beautiful pair I've ever seen. Nothing compares to it, I can't compare anything with it. I love your eyes. I love you regardless of your past, it doesn't matter to me. As in your past does not influence the love I have for you. And another saying where people say that the eyes are the windows to your soul. I think that's also a reason that I believe your soul to be the most beautiful ever.

I truly love your eyes.

No one can compare to you.

Don't even get me started on your lips. They look so soft. I love their shape, I really do. They suit you so well.

Your features are so lovely. They correlate so well with each other, your facial harmony is crazy. To be honest, whenever I look at you, you steal my breath. I can't breathe. Not because I find you disgusting or hideous, quite the opposite. I get so caught up in admiring every millimetre of your face that I forget to breath.

Your nose is so cute. If it were an object it'd be a soft round ball. I don't know how I can explain that or reason that. But it just is. I love it. I love your eyes, I love your lips, I love your nose and I don't know why uou think your ears are not beautiful, but I love them. I love your ears, they fit you so well.

And I know your skin has imperfections, which are not really regarded as beautiful in our society but I think you make them look beautiful. You make the imperfections look perfect. I find you often have this thing where you make things that don't seem pretty to me pretty. Same with your words. I judged people for saying certain things from time to time, especially when I was a little younger, but when you say it, it seems so sweet. My stomach starts getting all tingly and inget nervous.

I love everything you do. I love your body too, I love its shape, I love every part of it, I love every inch of it. I think whoever made you, made sure everything about you is perfect.

I do not care if you say you're not perfect. In my eyes everything about you is perfect. I just want to remind you that there is at least one person out here that properly admires you as long as you're alive. Let that sink in darling. I love you with all of my heart. I picture your soul so gorgeously. I'll make you a painting or a drawing one day to show you how I imagine it. It's so beautiful. And then there's your body. It's made for your soul. Everything in you correlates with another, you're an artwork. An artwork with no replica. Nothing can even come close to you.

No one can compare to you.

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