"It's time to rest, dear friends," Metalia's voice echoed with a tranquil reassurance.

The Queen's gentle tone followed, "You have done well, guardians. Sleep now, and find peace."

Artemis and Luna, their eyes heavy with fatigue, nodded in silent understanding as they felt the embrace of sleep enveloping them.

With a final farewell exchanged in their shared gaze, Metalia and the Queen closed their eyes, their hands clasped in unity, as the chamber faded into a tranquil silence, a testament to the enduring bond forged in forgiveness and redemption.

As the conflicting energies of Metalia and the queen's light clashed, a miraculous transformation began to unfold. The chaotic swirl of power coalesced into a healing energy, a radiant force that swept through the chamber, restoring balance to the shattered kingdom.

In its wake, the fallen heroes, including Mamoru and the Sailor Guardians, were enveloped in a gentle bubble of light. Within this protective cocoon, they drifted into a deep slumber, their wounds healed and their spirits at peace.

As the last traces of the recuperative energy faded, the queen's light merged seamlessly with Sailor Moon's crystal, infusing it with newfound power and purity. The crystal pulsed with radiant energy, its glow casting a warm, comforting light throughout the chamber.

As the healing energy enveloped the chamber, Sailor Moon felt its soothing embrace wash over her, her eyelids growing heavy with weariness. Despite her determination to remain vigilant, the comforting warmth of the energy lulled her into a state of peaceful slumber.

With a soft sigh, Sailor Moon's body relaxed, her breathing steady and calm as she succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep. As she drifted into unconsciousness, her hand instinctively tightened around the crystal, a symbol of her unwavering resolve and the hope that burned bright within her heart.

Surrounded by the sleeping forms of her friends and allies, Sailor Moon's dreams were filled with visions of a world restored, a future bathed in the light of peace and harmony. And as she slept, her spirit remained ever vigilant, ready to awaken when the time was right to continue her fight for justice and love.

After 3,400 years
In the quiet morning of NewAge 1992, the familiar sounds of the Tsukino household filled the air. Ikuko's voice rang out with concern as she called for her daughter, the ever-dreamy Usagi, to wake up and get ready for school.

"USAGI!!" she cried out, her tone a mix of exasperation and affection, knowing all too well her daughter's tendency to oversleep.

Usagi's younger brother, Shingo, added his own colorful commentary, teasingly calling her an "idiot" as he shook his head in mock disapproval.

With a start, Usagi jolted awake, realizing with a sinking feeling in her stomach that she had overslept once again. In a flurry of motion, she scrambled out of bed, hastily throwing on her school uniform and grabbing her bag.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she called out as she dashed out the door, her heart racing with the realization that she was already running late.

Shingo watched with amusement as his sister hurried off, shaking his head with a fond smile. Despite her perpetual tardiness, he couldn't help but admire her boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm.

"She's hopeless," he chuckled to himself, grabbing Usagi's forgotten lunch bag and darting out the door after her, determined to make sure she didn't go hungry on her way to school.

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