Austin's Dairy #1 Not feeling great

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Dear Dairy

Is Friday, Today's Is not a great day. I've been Having this flu, Is getting in my nerves, I kept sneezing! I kept coughing! And mostly I have been sore throat! Is a damn annoying!

I cannot even focus on my collage!
Is stressful! I cannot even feel my body! Levi told me is a bad flu and I hate shots! Is the worst! I just got it today! And I have no other choice but had to go! I kept refusing and making excuses not to go but my Aunt made a very clear. I hated when she is right.

I told liz what happened to me and she felt bad about the flu. Though this flu is not that bad. Just some issues that I am dealing with that is all.

My head kind of hurts, Is like pounding on a wall and repeating it over and over. I had a slight headache, But is gone for a few hours or so after words.

But thankfully That my Sneezing, Coughing and Nose running are gone. Thanks to Emily's rightful products for me to heal it . I had thanked her enough for it hehe.

But This shit for me hurting like hell through out three days! THREE FREAKING DAYS!!! And missing out of the good fun! My Cousin's Birthday was on Last Saturday! And I cannot even Reunited with my cousin after longer time. I haven't met her for a very very long time. I was like. . . 12 When I was with her. She is seems pretty chill and cool, She is like a coolest Cousin I can say. But still, I miss all damn fun, But I told my aunt to give My cousin's Phone Number so that way we can contact each other and she did and finally met by messaging. . . Is been lot stressful for me, I Guess but hey, At least I can have another visit, ya know what they say, Always a next time. Hehe

Well that is all! I needed to say! Welp Cya! ~ Austin


This is just for an Fun Thing I wanted to do for Austin's Diary, Yet this is My Main OC! I hope U enjoyed the Diary entries!

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