chapter 14

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Same dayy
Kingstons hospital

Aya's pov

Am currently at the hospital waiting for updates on anjay .

I've been crying the whole time me did warn him enuh.

Hearing my phone ring I seen it was my classmate.

A wah she want now

"Hello" I said

"Hi me juss see the missing photo wid Sash pan instagram hope she aright " she said

Missing ???dem put it pan gram

"Sen me it " I said

She sent me it and she wasn't lying at all.

After talking with her for 5 more minutes I finally hanged up.

"We have updates for anjay now " I heard a nurse say while walking towards us .

Micheal and I got up immediately.

" He's fine him juss affi stay in here fi 3 days " she said

Thank godddd

"Can we see him " I asked
"Yes follow me "

After walking for 2 minutes we finally stopped at a door .

"Here" she said while walking a way

"Gwan in first ago give uno privacy " micheal said .

I pushed the door and went in seeing him sit upright while smoking .

What the hellll this nigga sick and him in here a smoke .

"B out dat " I said while taking it throwing it in the bin .

I went between his legs while hugging him .

After hugging him for 3 minutes tears start falling from my eyes .

"B why yah cry " he said while using his thumb to wipe my tear .

" me juss did feel like me did ago loose yuh don't scare me like dat " I said while resting my head in his lap his hand immediately went in my hair .

" Dat nah guh happen me promise " he said while placing a kiss on my cheek .

"B me waa some " he said

I lifted my head from his lap starring directly in his face .

" Some of what ?" I said

Dah man yah nuh easyyy

"Some a you " he said while starring at my exposed thighs .

"A hospital we deh and yuh waa have sex pan the hospital bed yuh nuh easy enuh " I said while bursting in laughter.

Feeling a hand in my panty I quickly shoved his hand a way .

"Anjay stop " I said

But he wasn't

I quickly ran away out of the room.

"Love you " I shouted from outside the room.

Him nuh easy enuh .


The next day
Aya's pov
Beverly hills

I was on instagram live cause me bored a only me and the maid deh home .

User: Your really pretty 🥹❤️
User : how old are you 💀
User :feel like a you have something fi do wid Sash

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