"You just received a video," Gooch informs.

"From who?"

"From a man who claims to have captured Kid Danger," Gooch explained.

They become confused and then turn their attention to Henry, who wasn't caught.

"Play the video," Ray told Goosh to show the video on the screen.

A bizarre character with a beard and a hat appeared on the screen, "Hey, Captain Man and Quick Shot. It's your old friend—"

"Pause!" Ray let out a loud shout and suddenly the video stopped.

"You have to be kidding me!" Jules groans as she points at the screen. "Him!"

"Ugh, Jeff!" Ray gave a lobster claw click. "That guy is so stupid!"

"How do you guys know him?" Henry questioned them.

"He's been a petty thief in Swellview for years," Ray explains. "I put him in jail, like, a dozen times. Resume play."

Jeff resumed speaking as the video began to play again. "So, guess what? I kidnapped your sidekick."

Henry sighed, "Aw, please don't be Jasper! Please don't be Jasper!"

"It's gonna be Jasper," Charlotte states.

"Take a look." Jeff then rotates the camera around, revealing Jasper in the costume of Kid Danger, who is bound and has duct tape over his mouth.

"It's Jasper," Henry sighs.

"What a surprise twist," Charlotte adds, dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, isn't that kid your friend with the sweaty hands, who loves buckets?" Ray questions.

"That's him."

"How can that Jeff guy think Jasper's the real Kid Danger?" Charlotte asks.

"Oh, well, see...because he's a moron!" Jules lashed out at them as Ray nodded in agreement.

"Oh, and I always kidnapped Kid Danger's woman!" Jeff directs the camera towards a female who is wearing a cowgirl costume.

"Who that?!" Jules asks.

"That Monica," Charlotte said. "They were supposed to go trick-n-treating with us."

"Oh," Jules shrugs as she rubs her forehead in annoyance as Ray shakes his head and facepalms.

"Now, if you ever want to see them again, you better bring me, like.. a million dollars. Oh, and I want two big-beefys from Inside Out Burger." Jeff clarified. "With fries. And don't forget the million dollars!" It is after that that he concludes the video.

"What? Is that guy insane!?" Henry gasps.

"Once Again, Jeff is stupid!" Jules exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Charlotte agreed. "Nobody can eat two big-n-beefys."

"Not with fries." Henry scoffed.

After removing his claws, Ray retrieves his gum container, "Whatever. Come on, Henry. Let's go rescue your friend."

After a moment of hesitation, Henry decided to follow, "I-I can't go with you."

"Why can't you?" Jules turned to Henry.

"Because Jasper really likes that girl," Henry explained.

"So?" As he shrugged, Ray chewed on bubblegum.

"He made her think that he's Kid Danger," Henry explains. "So, if I show up there with you, she's going to know he was lying."

"Don't you think Jasper should find a girl who likes him for who he really is?" Charlotte pointed out.

"You know that's never gonna happen," Henry remarked as Charlotte nodded in agreement.

"All right, I will go rescue your friend." Ray groaned.

"Okay. But when you're there, you got to act like Jasper's the real Kid Danger."Henry gives Ray orders.

"I know how to act!" Ray snaps as he blows his bubble and transforms into his superhero uniform. The trio walked over to the tube slots.

"Oh, Have fun!" Jules calls out with a big grin on her face.

"Good luck!" Henry called.

"I won't be having fun or need luck." Ray lets out a groan. "It's Jeff." When he presses his belt, a tube encloses him. "Up the tube..."

The trio turned to Gooch, as he was standing there with a small child dressed as Jonathan Swift in his arms when the elevator doors opened.

"Hey. I have to go take my nephew to a Halloween party." Gooch tells them and then throws the girl to the floor. "Later."

"Who's the kid?" Jules asks with a confused look as she gestures to the young girl on the ground.

"My sister, Piper"

"Oh!" The trio approached the young one who was lying unconscious.

— — —

At last, the three of them managed to get the still-unconscious Piper upstairs. She is a heavy-set girl. While using Jules's power to transport themself upstairs would make things easier. Henry believes this is a bad idea since he fears Piper will wake up and discover her power.

"Okay." Henry groaned as they helped her stand up and walk forward. "Careful not to drop her."

"Not to what?" Charlotte and Jules both ask him at the same time.

"Drop her," Henry says again as Charlotte and Jules look at each other and shrugs.


Henry gives the girls a sidelong glance as they say and drop Piper to the floor.

"What? You said drop her." Jules protested as Charlotte nodded in agreement.

"No, I said-Oh, forget it!" Henry groans. "Let's just take her to..." Hearing Piper groan causes Henry to stop.

"She's waking up!" Charlotte whispers.

"Yeah, because you dropped her." Henry snaps as Jules glares at him.

"Oh, please do us all a favor and speak clearly next time!" Jules snapback in which Henry glares at her.

Piper opened her eyes. "What happened?"

Henry got down on his stomach on the ground and raised his head. "You ate some bad candy."

Jules and Charlotte exchange glances before lowering themselves to his level. "Real bad candy."

"Why are you guys so close to my face?" Piper groans. "Also, who is the reaper?"

"I'm Julissa, but you can call me Jules." 

Following this, Henry returned home with Piper while Charlotte returned to her home. Just now Jules returned downstairs.

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