14.Lose The Chance Or Take The Risk

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°friends with benefits huh°

It now 7am in the morning and We are now filming the movie series atla to early right?

Gordon have a crying scene while katara and Ian is behind him

As they keep saying their lines Gordon's crying scene is about begin.

I hear dallas laughing silently that was a sad scene tho

I started to get pissed and said "stop laughing"

"What? look at Ian isn't he adorable?"

I look at Ian and his holding his laugh
Back while looking at dallas I look at dallas and he was making a funny face

He looks at me with those face and I was holding my laugh

"dallas stop that" I said and punch his shoulder softly

"is that all you've got?"

"that's so offensive" I said and punch his shoulder really hard


The producer and staff looks at us and i look at them like I don't have idea.
Ian,Kia and gordon was holding their laugh back

The producer cut the scene because Gordon's crying scene was to long

"hey dallas it's your next scene be ready" the producer said

Ian walks through dallas and said "Goodluck bro" while patting dallas shoulder

As dallas is filming me and gordon are memorizing our lines because we Will be filming the next scene

All I need to do is hug gordon and comfort him

"okay this is to much is aang really this soft hearted?"

"isn't it obvious?"

"I would rather hug aang in anime than aang in person"

"I'd rather not hug toph in anime and toph in person"

I rolled my eyes and just as the producers called us we both stood up and gordon slipped on the floor

"gosh gordon slipped on the floor Part 2!"

"care to help me?"

"mehh get up there you're a strong kid remember you can fight yourself alone" i said and was about to leave him

"but I'm not aang"

"then act like one" i said and offer my hands on him

He takes my hands and get up and said "you're so rude"

"when it comes to you"

We both laugh because we don't take our words really that serious. We both walk through the producer so he can explain what do we need to do

"so okay gordon all you need to do is sit on the chair while crying while you [Name] all you need to do is stand up and comfort gordon while gordon is hugging your waist"

Okay this is to much than I expected

While the cameraman is adjusting his camera gordon came up to me and, said "hey [Name] is it okay If I'll hug your waist? It might be uncomfortable for you.

"no it's okay for me theres nothing we can do it's part of the scene"

"okay now get into your place now, lights camera Action!"

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