a lying witch,mimic and a warden part 2

Start from the beginning

"The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!"

Luz began Pacing around.

"Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong."

She Pulls out Eda's wanted poster.

" You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me."

There was Thudding footsteps which attracted their attention.

"It's Warden Wrath! Hide!"The girl said.

Luz exclaims and runs into an open cell, pulling the door down as she enters. The Footsteps continue until a door is pushed open.

Illusion hid with her and hid luz using her wings.

"I can hear you."

Luz whimpers as Illusion hid her with her wings,while Noodle and Flapjack hid in her hair, shacking.

Warden Wrath Stomped forward.

"Just what are you fools whispering about?"He Looks down at Eda's wanted poster that Luz had dropped.

" Ah. The Owl Lady."He Picks up the poster and crumples it, turning his fist into a hammer and slamming it into the door of Luz's and Illusion's cell.

"I'll get my hands on her soon enough."

Warden Wrath looks into the cell, where Illusion,Luz and King are huddled in the corner.

"Fight against the oppwessor! We will wesist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!"the tiny nose girl said.

Warden Wrath walks over to her cell and opens it. She stares at the opening door.

"Hooway! I'm fwee!"She Squeaks when Warden wrath grabs her,his fist fitting around her entire body. He holds her up and points at the other two prisoners.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in."

He tightens his grip, making Tiny nose squeak again. Warden Wrath stomps away, crushing the crumpled up wanted poster on his way out. A door slams, and Luz opens her cell, running to that of Katya.

"Don't worry. I can get you out."Luz Pulls on the lever, but can't lift it." No! My weak nerd arms!"

Luz turned to Illusion.

"Can you try"Luz asked.

Illusion tried to push the lever down by couldn't.

"Just get out of here while you still can, kid. Enjoy freedom for us."Katya said.

Katya walks deeper in her cell. Luz reluctantly walks away. 

The three walked into a hallway, where Eda flies up to Luz and Illusion.

"Hey, I just checked."Eda said as she Hops off her staff." The warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming around here anytime soon."

Luz continues walking without saying anything. Eda watches her, confused. They reach a towering door reading "CONTRABAND".

Illusion looked at her sadly while Noodle nuzzled her.

"My crown! It's close! I can sense its power!"King said as he Runs up to the door and fiddles with the doorknob that's as big as he is.

"Aw, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power."Illusion smiled.

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