chapter 16

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The next day

"Sash why yuh nah come wid me " I said

"Girl me tired " she said while frowning

"Suh yah guh mek me alone guh out deh suh girl " I said trying to convince her to come am going shopping to buy some things for the house .

" Aya me tired " she responded

"A hood yah guh tek" I said with a serious face .

What a gyal can fuck that's why she breed . Look pan who a tlk .

"Kmt yuh nuh take nun serious enuh a tired me tired frl " she said while going to the fridge to take out a water .

"Aright goody gwan guh mek him mash up yuh cervix now " I said while taking up shopping bags ,car keys and my purse .

"Behave yuh self lata and be safe "she said

I walked out to the front door and locked it.

I opened the car and went in and headed out .

Has a big driva 🤭


I just reached at fontana I found a parking space and took out all the stuff that I needed then started walking to the store .

"A Aya dat "

"A Aya from tik tok dat enuh "

"She mid in a real life "

I ignored everyone and kept walking to the store .

Crawsis !

Once I was in the store I grabbed a cart and went to the decorations Ile.

After spending 5 minutes on that Ile I bought some food stuff and other things and was at the cashier.

"Your total is 132,000dollars "the cashier said

I went in my purse and took out my card .

But when I looked up anjay was already paying for it .

A stalk him a stalk me .

"I can pay for my own stuff " I said has I watched the man bagged up my things.

"That a least yuh nah forgive me " he said while brushing my hair out of my face.

"Anjay me nuh waa have nth fi do wid yuh and stop touch me and gwan home to yuh farrin woman" I said

"Can you bring them to my car please " I said to the man .

"Ago Sen back the money to yuh account " I said to anjay while pushing him out of the way .


I was now at burger King buying food for everyone.

Seeing my phone ring .

I looked at the caller ID seeing it was samara.

She's one of my workers but she's also my friend

"Wahm babes " I said while pressing the phone at my ears .

I drove up in the line .

"Yuh dash me weh me dvn see yuh come a work again" she said

"Nothing like dat mn memba me tell yuh a nuff things a gwan in my life right now " I responded

"Aright mama one day me a come look fi yuh ,yuh Aright tho " she said

When it was mine turn to order I hanged up .

I ordered 3 whoppers and a milkshake for my self .


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