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Sometime way, way, waaaay, before Mary lit up her house.

Today is the day I get to join the Hunters. Mother says not to worry about the vow and as long as I don't break it there won't be anything to worry about, especially with my already good hunting and tracking skills. I hope little Tali will join the Hunters one day so we can be together forever.

"Adeline" I hear mothers voice call for me. "It is time to go."

"Coming Mother." I replied grabbing the small pouch little Tali gave me last winter and the dagger Father taught me to hunt with.

I walked out of our small hut and towards the growing crowd at Artemis's temple. They all gather around the Goddess Artemis waiting for the chosen few to make their vows and join the hunters. As I get closer, I see the other chosen few and stand by them waiting for my turn to make the vow. The first girl to make her vow is a girl named Kara, I don't understand how she could be a hunter I have seen her with all the boys in our village. Once she finishes her vow the Goddess Artemis looks at her with what I can only assume is a disappointed look.

"You will not be a Hunter." The Goddess Artemis tells her. I can see Kara's smile fall and have to hide my own to not seem rude.

"But I made the vow?" Kara stammers looking hurt and shocked. Okay so maybe I shouldn't be this happy.

"You have already broken the vow before you made it. I can see you have slept with half the boys in this village. You have no place among my Hunters." The Goddess Artemis turns her back to Kara and looks at the rest of our village. "Would anyone like to take this girl's place among my Hunters?" She asks the crowd, and I can't help but look at my little sister hoping she wants to.

"If you wish to join my Hunter's step forward." The Goddess commands. I see my mother holding little Tali back. The Goddess also sees this and walks over to them making everyone also back away. She kneels in front of Tali so she's at eye level with her.

"Do you wish to join my Hunter's Child?" The Goddess asks Tali.

"Yes, I wish to join your Hunter's." She tells the Goddess with a proud smile on her face.

"And why do you wish to be a Hunter little one?" The Goddess questions.

"So, I can join my sister and help you." Tali replies.

"And who might your sister be?" The Goddess asks.

"She is..." she points to me. "...the one with the silver dagger on her belt. Father taught her to hunt with that dagger." The Goddess turns and looks at me then back to Tali.

"Are you ready to make the Vow little one?" The Goddess asks Tali. She nods then makes the vow to the Goddess. Then the Goddess stands and offers her hand to Tali who takes it without hesitation. The Goddess leads Tali back to the rest of us then turns to me.

"Are you ready to make the Vow as your sister has or have you already broken it like the other girl has?"

"I am ready to make the Vow, and I have not already broken it as Kara has." I tell the Goddess who as the hint of a smile on her face.

"Good, then make the vow and you and your sister can join my Hunters together." I smile at my sister then look back at the Goddess ready to make my vow.

"I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis, I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

The Goddess smiled at me and once two other girls made the Vow, we were led away from everyone else, and back to the Goddesses camp in the woods.

"From now on you will address me as Lady Artemis or Artemis. I will teach you how to hunt and track, you will each be assigned a tent if there are any problems in camp I would like to know about them immediately." The Goddess told us as she led us to the biggest tent in the middle of the camp. When we got inside there were three other girls sitting on the floor around a central hearth.

"Have a seat." Lady Artemis commanded. We each sat on the floor around the hearth and in a makeshift circle. Then Lady Artemis passed around a cup and told us to drink from it.

"You are now my loyal hunters. You will not age, you will not get sick, as long as you keep your vows once they are broken you will die a painful death." The Goddess informed us.

"What about me?" Tali asked

"You are too young once you are older you to will partake in this vow as much as the rest of them have." Lady Artemis told Tali with a smile. Tali smiled back then got up and hugged Lady Artemis.

"Thank you for letting me be one of your Hunters." This made the Goddess smile.

"Of course, little one."

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