-Chapter Thirty-Two- Villains Aren't Born(They're Made)

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/grab your sword, you might just need it/ 'cause i'm not afraid of cheating/ oh, i hate to tell you this way/ but villains aren't born/ darling, they're made/

-villains aren't born(they're made), peggy

A week had passed.

Y/n and Varian had been busy, spending all their time preparing for the inevitable fight ahead.

If Andrew wasn't going to listen to them and stop Rapunzel from reaching Corona, they could at least make it a nightmare for her when she did.

In between experiments with the Quirineon, they'd been preparing as many compounds as they possibly could. Each Saporian, as well as themselves, had been outfitted with chemical spheres that exhibited every single effect that they could think of.

Y/n hadn't made any more of her amber spheres, though. For some reason she couldn't quite explain, the thought of using them made her feel uneasy. She kept the three she had left, but didn't replicate them. She could always use the Wand in a fight, instead of resorting to the amber.

She hadn't been sleeping much. Every time she lay down and closed her eyes, all she could think about were Xavier's words, echoing through her head between short bursts of rest.

Has it healed the hole in your heart?

And Andrew's.

They deserve it, you know they do. You're the good guy here.

This was all just too complicated. She wanted revenge for what had been done to her, but as the days went on, she found herself wanting to hurt her people less and less. She found that she didn't want them to suffer, at least not in the way she had before. She just wanted them to forget.

Y/n wished it had never been like this at all. She wished she'd never had to deal with a sister in the first place. She wished that her parents could have just loved her from the start.

Of course, she'd ruined her chances now. When her and Varian's plan had gone horribly wrong, she'd managed to ensure that none of them would care about her ever again.

This was the only way to fix what she'd done. This was the only way to make anyone care.

With a sigh, Y/n stood up from where she had been sitting at her desk and strode over to the door of her rooms, pushing it open and emerging into the hallway.

She walked down the hallway to a set of glass doors at the end, opening up onto a balcony. She turned the handle and pulled one door open, stepping out into the sunlight.

Shielding her eyes, Y/n walked to the railing and looked down at the courtyard below her. Kai and Clementine were managing barrels of the minerals that had accumulated over the past few days.

Ignoring the quiet dread rising inside her, Y/n turned her gaze skyward.

Every day since Andrew had told them about the balloon, she'd come out here and scanned the sky for any sign of her sister. On some level, she thought that it might prepare her. That maybe if she saw her sister coming, she'd be able to hide the weakness inside her when Rapunzel finally arrived.

Nothing to the south. Nothing to the west. Nothing to the-

Her heart dropped.

There, on the north horizon, just to the right of the kingdom's bridge, a dark shape hung in the blue sky.

It's them.

Instantly, that helpless, scared feeling began to bubble up. Y/n didn't understand- she hadn't been scared when she'd faced her sister the first time. In fact, she'd been confident. Why was this different?

Forget {Varian x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang