Hero Identification Sheet Pg. 34 Section 3

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Name: Lila Marian Grey
Alias: Nighthawk
Gender: F
Age: 19
Power Ranking: level: 58; rank: 120
Abilities: invisibility; tech skills; good hearing, eyesight and agility
Weaknesses: clumsiness, severe pollen allergy
Appearance: 5'6"; pixie cut black hair; green eyes; tan skin
Personality: bold; occasionally reckless; sassy but respectful when the situation calls for it; capable of functioning on an inhuman amount of sleep; prone to nervous tics (fidgeting with her sweatshirt strings, bouncing her knee) in tense situations; can usually handle stress well; optimistic to a fault; never gives up until she is forced to

Despite her lower level, she has been building a reputation for herself from the beginning, using her technology and quick reaction time to capture criminals and escape from tough situations. Her physical toughness and ability to function without sleep make her an opponent who shouldn't be underestimated. She never uses one place as headquarters for long periods of time. Her success rate is impressive for a hero who operates independently.

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