Monster High Meets Ever After High: United Tales

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                             **Episode 1: "The Lantern's Glow"**

*Scene 1: The Stein Household*

*Camera focuses on Ella Stein, a spark of determination in her eyes, as she gazes at the portrait of her father, Frankenstein, and her sister, Frankie.*

**Ella Stein**: "It's time I carve my own path, one that's not in anyone's shadow—not even in the light of my sister Frankie."

*Scene 2: Ella's Room, Nighttime*

*Ella is hunched over a pile of old books and scrolls, the glow of a lantern casting dancing shadows on the walls.*

**Ella Stein**: "Ever After High... a place where I can be more than just a monster's daughter. But will they accept the real me?"

*She begins to write a story, her words a whisper in the quiet room.*

**Ella Stein**: "'The Enchanted Thicket and the Lantern of Dreams'... Yes, this will be my tale."

*Scene 3: The Stein's Enchanted Garden*

*Ella approaches her father, the Keeper of the Thicket, her voice hopeful.*

**Ella Stein**: "Father, I want to attend Ever After High. I've created a story... our story. Will you help me make it real?"

*Her father looks at her, pride and understanding in his eyes.*

**Frankenstein**: "Ella, my dear, you have my blessing. Be the author of your own life."

*Scene 4: Ever After High, Headmaster's Office*

*Ella stands before Headmaster Grimm, her story laid bare.*

**Headmaster Grimm**: "Absolutely Spellbinding! 'The Enchanted Thicket and the Lantern of Dreams'—a tale unlike any other. Welcome to Ever After High, Miss Stein."

*Scene 5: The School Courtyard*

*Whispers flutter among the students as Ella walks by, her presence commanding attention.*

**Madeline Hatter**: "Have you heard about the new girl, Ella? Her story is hat-tastic!"

*Raven Queen and Apple White exchange curious glances, a mix of intrigue and challenge in their eyes.*

**Apple White**: "A new fairytale? This could be the beginning of a whole new chapter at Ever After High."

*Ella smiles, her heart a mix of nerves and excitement, ready to begin her journey in the spotlight.*


*Fade to black as the lantern's glow softly flickers, symbolizing the start of Ella's new journey.

**Episode 2: "The Thicket's Whisper"**

*Scene 1: The Ever After High Hallways*

*Ella walks through the corridors, her steps light, basking in the admiration of her peers. Students gather around, eager to hear more about her enchanting story.*

**Cedar Wood**: "Ella, your fairytale is as refreshing as a sip of water from the Well of Wonder!" Tell us more about 'The Enchanted Thicket'!"

*Scene 2: The Charmitorium*

*Ella is surrounded by various club leaders, each extending an invitation with excitement.*

**Once upon a tale club leader**: "Ella, with a story like yours, you'd be the perfect addition to our storytelling circle!"

*Scene 3: Apple White's Dorm Room*

*Apple White and her friends huddle over ancient books, their brows furrowed with suspicion.*

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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