"Who exactly are you?" I ask him.

"Osi Sobeck!" He answers like I was supposed to know.

"Hmm.... doesn't ring a bell," I tell him.

Something tells me the Phindian didn't like that. "I want your half of the information. Give it to me now or I'll start executing your men."

"This is war, Sobeck. We're all prepared to die to protect that intel," Master Piell says. Sobeck grabs a blaster from one of the droids before giggling as he pulls the trigger on one of our men.

"What about her?" He turns to me.

"What about her?" Master Piell asks.

Sobeck trails one of his long and disgusting fingers down my face, making my face curl up in disgust. "She looks young. Innocent. I'm guessing still a padawan. Are you willing to sacrifice a padawan? A child?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" I ask Sobeck.


"You think I didn't know the risks of coming here? I know the risks and I'm willing to sacrifice anything, including my life, to keep you from getting that information." I snarl in his face.

"Then you will get the chance to do so," he says and points the blaster at me. I don't look away or flinch. I look him dead in the eyes.

"Sir, we have located the other group, and our droids are closing in on them." A droid distracts him from ending me. Sobeck pulls away and throws the blaster back to the droid. I let out a breath.

"Caran," Master Piell catches my attention, as we lock eyes his face is full of respect. He doesn't say anything, but his face is enough to know what I just did, what I said. What I was willing to do. It's something worthy of the respect of a Jedi master.

"Your Jedi resolve only delays the inevitable. Take them to interrogation. Torture them slowly. Especially the girl." He grins grimly. The entire way to interrogation is silent. I can feel it in the air and through the force that my master is mad. Mad at me. As we turn a corner we suddenly come to a halt. As I'm second last, I can't see what is going on.

"We'll take them from here," a droid says.

"Uh, I think we have a-" another one says.

"We'll handle it," the first one says. The second agrees and we follow along. First now, I can see the new droids escorting us. It's the reprogrammed droids that belong to us. As we get a little further, the sound of a happy droid comes from behind. I turn around and see R2 beeping and moving around.

"R2," I say relieved and move my arms to give him a little pat as he unlocks my cuffs.

"The commander is happy to see you as well, sir, but would like to return to the shuttle as soon as possible," one of the droids translates his beeps.

"Yes, I couldn't agree more," my master agrees and we go on our way.

"What about General Skywalker, sir?" Cody asks.

"Not to worry. He'll switch to plan "B""

We move through the halls before finally exiting the last door and walk out onto the landing platform where our shuttle is waiting for us.

"Hold it. Where are you going with these prisoners?" We get stopped by another droid.

"We're transferring them aboard the shuttle from Citadel to Point Tarron," our droid explains to them. I really hope this works.

But my hopes shatter as the droid speaks again. "Point Tarron? There's no outpost there."

"Uh, it's new," our droid tries. "We have orders. We're coming aboard."

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