Chapter 2. Aesthetic reason, not a consequence of diets

Start from the beginning

Undoubtedly, I will share with you the cause of evil, but later *. In the meantime, a little of my history. I very keenly felt how dangerous long-term disappointment in oneself is. This mental state led me to apathy (II fr. 1.2, 3, 5). Since I didn't understand what was happening to me, I took it for laziness and lack of will. Wanting to get rid of "laziness and lack of will," I re-read a large amount of information on Internet resources on how to radically change the situation. After that, I made a firm decision to fight "laziness and lack of will."

* My fifth book, "What's Wrong with Dieting? The Role of Self-Love" will explore the deeper cause of unhealthy eating behaviors.

6. Fight with yourself. I began to implement the advice of gurus, coaches, trainers, and other self-help "specialists." Some time passed, and despite my strenuous efforts, the situation only worsened. The periods spent struggling with "idleness" decreased, and the periods of lying on the sofa increased. In the end, all my strength ran out, and I began to belong completely to the sofa. Therefore, oppressive feelings of worthlessness and guilt were added to the apathy. Then isolation from everyone (I fr. 29.18). What are the results of the fight against "laziness and lack of will"? Doctors diagnosed a major mental disorder - depression. What was the reason for the disappointment in yourself?

 What was the reason for the disappointment in yourself?

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7. Search for the cause. Let's look for the reason that led me first to disappointment, then to apathy and depression. I started by looking for diets that gave quick results (I fr. 8.4). This means noticeable weight loss in a day, then a week, a month, and three months. Application experience has shown that periodic fasting on water, a diet consisting of 2/3 vegetables, and a lot of walking according to the Paul Bragg method, were the fastest in my case. In about three months or more, my weight dropped from 88 kg to 75 kg. The sensations in the body were comparable to the movement of a balloon. Unusual ease of movement and changeability in mood from euphoria to causeless irritation and anger. But what was the reason for this behavior?: - "Oh, it's not difficult to deceive me! I'm glad to be deceived myself!" (Pushkin A.S. "Confession").

8. How to deceive yourself? Self-deception originates in ignoring the warning signals of the body and soul, which leads to their failure (I fr. 7. 16, 18; 17. 9, 10). The next step in the "art" of self-deception is to interpret the voice of the body and soul (I fr. 14. 6, 7). In other words, it is the "art" of wishful thinking. I mistook the inability to concentrate on something difficult for euphoria. He explained his irritation and anger at the wrong behavior of others. I took weakness in my body for ease of movement, since at that time, apart from walking, I physically did not bother myself with anything. At the same time, internal tension grew. I no longer had the strength to force myself, and that's why I abandoned this method of losing weight. The previous kilograms gradually took their place of honor in my body. The mental disorder already described earlier was added. Fortunately, I no longer experimented with other diets. There simply wasn't enough mental strength.

 There simply wasn't enough mental strength

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9. Summary. The reason for the desire to lose weight quickly is hidden in the aesthetic lack of acceptance of one's body. This leads to disappointment in oneself, then in a struggle with oneself, resulting in a state of depression.

Let's consider the following option for finding a reason - the desire to lose weight quickly. The answer follows.

Next Chapter: The desire to lose weight quickly

What we're researching: What's left out of fast weight loss?

What's new: What is the role of homeostasis in weight loss?

What we will learn: How do you know when your body is lacking nutrients?


1. Stice E, Marti CN, Durant S. Risk factors for onset of eating disorders: evidence of multiple risk pathways from an 8-year prospective study. Behav Res Ther. 2011 Oct;49(10):622-7. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2011.06.009. Epub 2011 Jun 28. PMID: 21764035; PMCID: PMC4007152.

2. Shen J, Chen J, Tang X, Bao S. The effects of media and peers on negative body image among Chinese college students: a chained indirect influence model of appearance comparison and internalization of the thin ideal. J Eat Disord. 2022 Apr 12;10(1):49. doi: 10.1186/s40337-022-00575-0. PMID: 35413877; PMCID: PMC9006462.

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