Chapter 91 - Reason

Start from the beginning

"Wow, the wind even has a sense of humor," Wan remarked.

Hana raised an eyebrow. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance."

"W-wait, Wan! Hana! It's me! Makoto!"

Wan turned to Hana. "You know her?"

"Never met her in my life," Hana stated calmly, as an arrow pierced through Makoto's heart.

"I-I'm from the other class! The one next to yours!" Makoto exclaimed, clutching her chest. "I-I'm not here to fight, I swear!"

Hana raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's one way to make an introduction. You know, most people just wave."

Wan winced. "Maybe she's practicing for a dramatic play?"

"Or she's auditioning for the role of 'Unexpected Victim' in our battle royale," Hana added dryly.

Makoto groaned, struggling to pull the arrow out. "Can we focus on the whole 'not dying' thing here?"

Both Wan and Hana exchanged a doubtful glance before turning their attention back to Makoto.

"I don't know, Makoto. I don't really have fond memories of trusting someone," Wan said, his expression clouded with memories from the past year.

"B-but please! Let me explain first!— erk!"

Before anything further could happen, Hana unsheathed her Katana with lightning speed, its blade dangerously close to Makoto's neck, causing both Makoto and Wan's eyes to widen in shock.

"Listen," Hana said, her voice cold and devoid of the usual playfulness. "If this is some kind of 'play victim' plan you've cooked up with your teammates, save it."

Makoto's eyes widened in genuine fear as she stammered, "N-no, I swear! I-I'm not here to play games! Please, just hear me out!"

Wan narrowed his eyes, carefully assessing the situation as he glanced at Hana.

In moments like these, Hana's wariness was palpable, almost bordering on dangerous.

"Save it. What's next? Your teammates are going to appear out of thin air and ambush us?" Hana raised an eyebrow, her tone sharp. "You think I'm an idiot? I've seen enough Hunger Games to know where this is heading."

"W-wait, Hana, please!" Makoto pleaded, desperation evident in her voice.

"Hana, maybe—" Before Wan could finish, Hana cut him off sharply.

"We're not turning this into a rescue mission, Wan," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Makoto took a deep breath, attempting a smile that quickly faltered, revealing her underlying fear.

"L-listen... my team... they got defeated," she stammered. "By one of the more powerful teams from Class-2S... and I was able to get away..."

"Class-2S..." Wan's eyes widened in recognition. "By that team... do you mean..."

"...The Crimson Crushers?" Wan finished, his voice dropping to a hushed tone.

Makoto nodded solemnly, her eyes darting nervously between Wan and Hana.

"Remind me again why they're named 'The Crimson Crushers'?" Hana glanced at Wan, her eyebrows raised as her mouth twisted in a cringe.

"How am I supposed to know," Wan replied with a shrug. "Maybe they really like red?"

Hana snorted. "Or they have a thing for smashing tomatoes. Either way, not the most intimidating name."

Makoto chuckled nervously, "Yeah, they do tend to leave a messy trail behind them."

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