"Peace is Born from Violence"
--Creed of the White Eagle Order
Fragment of Notes Written by the First GREY EAGLE - Translated from Akkadian
I killed a man. That was how my journey began.
It was defence. Defence of myself. Defence of the people he abused. This is what I tell myself.
He was an abuser and torturer. Many could see his vile actions and look away, but I could not. I confronted him and when he lashed in anger I slit his throat.
That would have been the end of it, and perhaps of me, if not for what happened as his blood hit the ground. I saw a vision, a future and the path to reach it. Whether it was delivered by some god or monster I know not. Whether it will lead to salvation or ruin I know not. I only know that it is a path I must follow.
I gathered those who would follow me. Clothed in a white as pure as their minds, with no purpose beyond weapons to shed the blood needed. They shall carve a future in the flesh of those who are not meant to see it.
I was a peaceful man who dreamt of a peaceful world. I still am.
I simply now see there is only one way to achieve it.
A Long Time Ago, an Ancient Tomb
The young man shaved completely clean of hair, dressed in a simple white robe, dropped to the ground with a light 'thud', quickly waved away the dust and dirt that rose to fill his nose. His eyes peered into the dark tunnel ahead, a void of black.
He glanced at the torch that lay on the ground a few feet away. It would certainly allow him to see, but he knew exactly what it was; a trap. His senses would have to do.
The tips of the fingers on his left hand trailed the wall, the smooth stone only marred by a thin layer of dust and the occasional chip. As the darkness enveloped him his eyes became completely useless with not even the faintest trace of light to find. Occasionally he would think he spotted something move here or there, but he knew they were naught but hallucinations.
His ears only picked up the the softest crunch of dust under his foot, the rhythmic beat of his heart, and the air that moved in and out of his nostrils. These sounds reminded him that he was alive and awake, he only hoped that they did not betray him.
The first danger in the dark was a pit. He just heard the crack of the ground under his foot and pulled away just as it crumbled. He cursed his hesitation. Now he stood before a drop with no knowledge of how deep it went or how far it was to cross. He also knew not what awaited at the bottom and decided he would not as he took an absolute leap of faith.
His pulse quickened as he vaulted into the darkness and was quickly surrounded by nothing but air and pure black. His feet found purchase on solid ground, though his heels teetered on the edge. He paused and listened to the silence for a moment before he continued.
The next trap was caught by his ears. A soft expulsion of air, a multitude, on both sides of him. He dove to the ground as they fired, whatever they were, from holes in the walls. They hit the walls opposite and clattered to the ground.

Paragons Vol 2
FanficWhile Krakoa cements its place on Earth and in the universe beyond the Paragons focus on helping everyone they can. However, as much as Pixie fights to keep her team separate from the politics she's about to find out how difficult that is when nobod...