Episode 95: ever grande conference part 3

Start from the beginning

Then they both clashing their power...Overheat proves more powerful and lands a direct hit on Steelix. Torkoal unleashes Flamethrower while Steelix uses Dragon Breath once again. This time, the result is an explosive draw.

Torkoal: torkoal?( where you go coward?)
Then torkoal notice steelix tail and then running toward the cliff...and ask ash.
Torkoal: Torkoal.( used the z-move.)
Ash: ok..z-move it is..

Then ash perform z-move and perform fire dance....and torkoal surrounded itself with z aura.....
Ash: inferno overdrive.

Then steelix appear and torkoal used largest flame..steelix try to dodge it but the fire are so strong g that explosive happening....and steelix fainted..
Torkoal: torkoal.( yes.)
Ash: alright..


Then he send out metang..
Ash: torkoal return...metagross I choose you.

Then he send out metagross which shock Morrison because ash metagross is shiny and quite strong.
Morrison: you kidding me, you have a shiny metagross.. metang used take down.

Then metang used take down..
Ash: counter it with hammer arm.

Then metagross used hammer arm and hit metang....giving a massive damage.....
Morrison: oh no...metang used meteor mash.
Ash: used meteor mash too metagross.

Then both releasing their meteor mash....but ash metagross meteor mash are superior than metang.....causing metang to fallen into the floor fainted..
Morrison: no.....well swampert please don't disappoint me.
Ash: return metagross..manetric I choose you.

Then both send out their pokemon.
Ash: let's do this manetric MEGA EVOLVE!!
Morrison: I will not left behind...GIVE US A SUPERPOWERFUL MEGA EVOLVE ENERGY!!!

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