Chapter thirteen:

Start from the beginning

Aurelius hesitated, his eyes darting to Alexander, who was watching with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "Umm... I... I... Don't..."

The idol's gaze turned stern. "Two minutes, Aurelius! Answer truthfully!"

Lucas intervened, his voice calm. "Aurelius, it's okay. Just tell the truth."

Aurelius took a deep breath. "Alexander is my mate."

Alexander's expression turned from amused to shocked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

The idol's gaze turned piercing. "Second question: Why did you marry Aiedail when she was not your mate?"

Aurelius' face contorted in anguish. "Because... Because I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that my mate had been picked out for me by the gods."

The idol's voice turned thoughtful. "Interesting, Aurelius Nightshade. Last question: Do you love your mate, and why do you hurt him?"

Aurelius' voice trembled. "I do love him... And I hurt him because I'm afraid to show him my true self... And because I'm a coward."

The idol's gaze turned stern. "That you are, vampire. Step aside, Nightshade."

Alexander stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the idol. "First question: Do you know your parents?"

Alexander's voice turned blunt. "No."

The idol's gaze turned piercing. "Second question: Do you like your mate?"

Alexander shrugged. "Maybe."

The idol's voice turned thoughtful. "Third question: What happened at the Labyrinth?"

Alexander's expression turned uneasy. "I don't know... And I won't talk about it."

He refused to let Aurelius and Lucas as well as any other person no that he was broken,he wouldn't allow it.

Aurelius intervened, his voice begging. "Alex, please! Tell the truth!"

Alexander's face turned resolute. "No, I won't. No, I won't."

The idol's voice turned stern. "Very well, Alexander".

A spear shot out of the idol's mouth, straight to Alexander's heart.

A wave of shock and panic ran down Aurelius's  face,lucas was beside him,helping him pull Alex to his body.

Lucas was in shock,never had he seen Autelius so disheveled,so ... Broken.

Aurelius' voice turned anguished. "Alexander! Alexander! Please wake up! Please!"

Lucas' voice turned somber. "Aurelius, he's gone,i don't think he could have survived that. I'm sorry."

Aurelius' face contorted in anguish. "No, he can't die! Holy oil speared on a  silver blade can kill him! Please, he can't die,he... He can't".

"Lucas do something,anything!"

The idol remained silenced again ,the essence fell from it's mouth and landed on the floor. It would wait for another thousand years for anyone who wanted the essence. And ask them the same challenge,truth be told.

As Aurelius cradled Alexander's lifeless body, he couldn't help but wonder - why had Alexander refused to tell the truth? What secrets was he hiding, and why had he chosen to die rather than reveal them?

Aurelius' mind wandered,was it because of him,was it his fault. He couldn't help but cry,he'd been doing that for the past hour."Why did you lie Alex?,why." But there was no answer, only silence.

Aurelius looked up at Lucas, his eyes pleading for answers. "Why, Lucas? Why did he lie?"

Lucas' expression turned somber. "I don't know, Aurelius. But I think we'll find out soon enough." He hoped.

As they stood there, surrounded by the eerie silence of the temple, Aurelius couldn't shake off the feeling that they were all trapped in a web of lies and deceit,his web of lies. What would Mordecai and the others think,not that he cared for there opinion.

"I'll bring you back Alex,i promise. I, i... Love you,please forgive me",he said as he broke down completely as Lucas held him every step of the way.

But for now, the question remained - why are you lying, Alexander? , And why didnt Aurelius just accept his mate wholeheartedly.
Each question, non dared to answer ,Lucas thought.
"Maybe I'll stick here on earth for a while."

This ending relates to the title "Why Are You Lying" by highlighting the mystery and intrigue surrounding Alexander's refusal to tell the truth, and the consequences that followed. It also sets the stage for the next chapter, where Aurelius and Lucas will likely continue their quest for answers and uncover more secrets and lies.