Quidditch Quandries

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She winced slightly but glared at him. "Don't make me jinx you or get my best friends to prank you to oblivion."

"Like I'm scared of you and your prankster friends. You're just third years," he chuckled, humorlessly.

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Harries."

"Like you have the guts to jinx me anyway."

Adelaine got a dangerous look on her face. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry, so don't push it."

"Oh yeah?" he challenged.

"I suggest you let go of me, Harries," she said, deadly calm.

"I'm still not scared of you."

Without another word, Adelaine cast a dancing feet jinx at him; it was one of her favorite spells.

"Are you at least going to help me to the hospital wing?" he whined pitifully, his feet moving rapidly as his attempts to stop were futile.

She shook her head. "You won't need the hospital wing but you'll need someone to do the counter curse which I don't think your sister here knows because she wasn't paying attention in that lesson."

"Are you going to do that?"

"Now you know not to judge a book by its cover, Harries."

He didn't respond and she walked away whistling innocently. She felt a little guilty at leaving him in such a state, but she had been wanting to do that since last year.

She reached the Great Hall, casually walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat calmly next to Lee.

"Hey Lainey," he greeted, happily.

She smiled at her best friend. "Hey Lee."

"What happened to your wrist, Adelaine?" George asked, noticing the deep red bruise and nail marks on her wrist.

"Oh, nothing I just bumped it," she lied, her eyes darting around nervously.

George shrugged, automatically believing his friend.

"You can't play that innocent act with me, Lainey," Lee smirked at her.

Before she could respond Percy, Gabriel Truman-the Hufflepuff prefect, Professor Sprout and Tiffany stormed up to the Gryffindor table. That was quite quick.

"I demand you three take as many points away from her as possible," Tiffany seethed, glaring at Adelaine.

Percy nodded in agreement. "I agree with you but Gabriel and Professor Sprout insist we hear Adelaine's side of the story," Percy finished with a groan as the twins glared at him.

"Well, I was walking out of Transfiguration when you and your brother practically cornered me." she said pointing to Tiffany and continuing. "Even after I told him that I wasn't in the mood to deal with him, he didn't give up and blamed me for the Hufflepuff team losing the match on Saturday just because I didn't want to flirt with Oliver so we would win."

Professor Sprout interrupted and said. "That's not fair, even if you do happen to fancy him."

Adelaine blushed- even a Professor could tell that she fancied Oliver. "I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist," she uncovered the red bruise and nail marks and then continued. "He told me not to roll my eyes at him and I just glared at him and threatened to jinx him or have them prank him to oblivion," Adelaine said, gesturing towards the twins and Lee who looked like they were about to explode  before continuing, "He said we're just third years."

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