Chapitre 5 ~ Keyhole ~

Start from the beginning

   The group arrived in the room where the door knob was. The dog was right, it was the upside down part of the room where they had been before.
   -You'll get a better view from up here!
   The cat's voice rang out. It was on the small table where the strange drinks were.
   The quartet could only listen to the animal. After all, so far he had helped them, albeit strangely.

   Sora and Goofy climbed onto the table easily enough, while Donald and Lizie, with their short stature, had a little more difficulty. But once they were up high, the brunette with the blue tips glared at the Cheshire Cat.
   -Well, what are we supposed to see? I hope you didn't bring us up here for nothing!
   -The shadows will be here soon. Have you prepared for the worst? If not, too bad!
   They all looked at each other, not sure they understood what was coming. But they quickly put their guard up. The bottles and the cat had disappeared and a large Heartless had fallen from the ceiling. It was as big as the team had been when they first arrived, and had some sort of maracas.
   -Let's go! Sora encouraged, before rushing forward and starting to hit the enemy.
   -Wait... Raah! Ask if we want to fight first! his friend grumbled.
   He rubbed his hair, annoyed, before following suit.

   Everyone struck where they could, noticing that the weakest point was the upper body. So they had to manage to stay on the table, or get back on when the enemy sent them tumbling further away. Fortunately, they often managed to stun their enemy and Dobald treated them from time to time.

   Everything was going well until the Heartless started lighting up his maracas.
   -Seriously?! exclaimed Lizie, doing a clumsy roll to avoid a fireball. You pyromaniac! she shouted.
   She hid behind the chair, the table having disappeared with a bang. Sora was with her as Donald and Goofy continued to try to fight. But irritated and unable to stay in place, the brunette and blue climbed onto the chair and leapt at the enemy. Without managing to land a blow, she crashed to the floor, insulting him. A few seconds later, the table reappeared.

   -Lizie! Sora shouted.
   The woman got to her feet before fleeing. His friend decided to attract their enemy's attention by climbing onto the chair, which worked. The Heartless approached the Keyblade-holder's promontory and landed a blow as the young boy leapt onto the table.
   As for the Cheshire Cat, he was sitting on the mantelpiece contemplating this difficult battle, which seemed lost in advance.
   -... And it seems that you are in desperate need of help. It's more of a miracle that you've got this far. I'll give you the strength you need. he said.

   Just after these last words, a cold air swirled around the dark-haired man. In his incomprehension, an ice spell was sent flying past the Heartless.
   -Wah- surprised the boy.
   -What the hell is that? Lizie exclaimed, shielding herself behind Donald.
   -Sora, did you just do magic? said the duck.
   -Did you?
   While he was distracted, Sora was sent further away by the enemy. He struggled to his feet, in pain.
   -Concentrate your heart! If you're going to use magic with the Keyblade, try to concentrate all your power on the tip! explained the bird. Imagine your power freezing your opponent!

   That's what he did. He concentrated before sending an ice spell at the Heartless, shouting "Freeze". This froze the enemy, who fell. And like the armour of Travers Town, a heart flew out.
   -... Bloody hell... Lizie let out.
   Sora took a moment to breathe, before being joined by his three comrades to celebrate their victory.
   -Hang on, guys! I'm going to try my hand at magic too!
   Seemingly in a better mood, Lizie did the same as Sora. Except that the word that came out of her mouth was "Care", which soothed the brunet.
   -... ? Is it defective?!

   She had no time to do anything else when a yawn sounded. The group turned their heads towards the door knob.
   -What a racket! How do you expect a door knob to sleep?
   The knob yawned again. And inside the lock that served as its mouth, another lock began to glow. The same happened to Sora's keyblade. A beam appeared right on the lock and a locking noise was heard.

   -What was that? Donald asked.
   -Did you hear that? I think we've locked something! said Sora.
   At the same time, an object fell to the ground. It was Crazy who noticed it first, looking at it intrigued.
   -This gummi isn't like the others. That's for sure.
   -Well, I'm going to keep it. announced the bird.

   And to continue the chain of events, the cat appeared again, having finished admiring the events.
   -Bravo, you're real heroes! If you're looking for Alice, she's no longer here. She's gone! Disappeared with the shadows into the heart of Darkness. he explained, disappearing again.
   -No, she hasn't... Sora sighed, sad that the girl had disappeared.
   -Damn that one. sighed Lizie.
   -Let's go back to our Gummi ship! Maybe she's in another world! tried to comfort the duck.

   The quartet looked at each other, agreeing with Donald. In any case, they had nothing else to do and could do nothing else. This choice only served to enthuse the brunette and blue-haired girl, who had a strong desire to leave this world, which she felt was not bringing her much luck... in her opinion.

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