"I need some time to think. I will call you later. "

Sumu : Okay babe. Take your time okay? And please babe calm down and don't think too much okay? I'm worry about you babe. Take your time I'm here. Always.


Sumu : Bye babe. I love you. Stay safe and take care please

Call ends ☎️

*You hanged up the call after confessing that you're pregnant.. You were feeling a lot better after telling someone about this.. You slumped back on the couch feeling really tired and laid there closing your eyes.. You hoped that you'll get at least some kind of sleep because of being tired.. It will help you to forget the stuff happening in your mind right now.. And slowly you felt your eyes getting heavy and slowly you dozed off.. While tears were dried up on your cheeks*

[Time skiped ]

*It was morning and you got up from your sleep..You looked a bit less tired than yesterday, you had a huge headache because of crying a lot last night.. You tried not to think about the stuff that is happening right now and made yourself get ready for your meeting today.. You got dress professionally and took your car keys and went outside the house.. You closed the door behind you locked it and walked towards your car.. You opened the door and sat on the driver's seat*

*You walked inside the office building and greeted your colleagues who greeted you back.. You reached your cabin and sat down on your seat and started your work.. You tried hard not to think about the news you got yesterday by working.. You were busy working on the papers on your desk and didn't notice someone standing at your office door.. Then suddenly someone said in a deep voice which made your body freeze*

*You looked up and saw a tall male standing outside your cabin.. You blinked as you recognised him easily as your ex-husband, Kim Taehyung, You both locked eye contact and his eyes were cold and he just had a blank expression. You gulped as you felt nervous and your heart beat fastened a little*

"What are you doing here?"

*He closed the door behind him and looked at you.. You both were left alone with each other in a single room.. You felt nervous around him as he stood in front of you..* "We need to have a talk.."

"I don't want to get out " you said in stern voice

*He sighed out and looked away.. He was already annoyed and it annoyed him that you didn't want to talk, He looked back at you with a cold look and said slightly coldly* "Do you always have to act like rebel? "
*He said as he walked towards you and sat on the chair which was on front of your desk..

You took a deep breath. "What"

*He didn't say anything as he leaned forward and said coldly, He looked into your eyes while leaning forward near you*
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" *He asked in a low and cold voice as he gritted his teeth.. You widened your eyes and gulped as you noticed that he had a small twitch in his eye and he looked really angry*

You composed your self "I didn't feel the need"

*He was silent and he clenched his fists.. He felt really angry at your answer*
You didn't feel the need? *He said lowly and his fists were clenching more* "You should've told me about it.. I have the right to know it first. It's my baby as well." *He said and looked at you*

"You don't have any rights on it "

*He was really angry at your answer*
"Are you stupid? Who's the father of the baby? Me.
You think you can do anything on your own? That's our baby. Of course I have the right on it. "
*He said in an annoyed and cold manner*

"It's mine, only mine. "

*He felt more annoyed as you still say it was only yours*
"No. It's mine too.. You can't say that it's only yours..
Just because we divorced doesn't mean that my right of being the father got over.. I will care for it as well.." *He said and he felt really annoyed with you at that moment*

*Yn didn't said anything and turned her face other side. *

*He noticed that you didn't say anything and when he saw you turning your face to the other side.. He grabbed your chin and pulled you so that your gaze was back on him.. He said*
"You can't deny me to be the father of my own child. "
*He had a firm look in his eyes when he told you that.. He was looking at your eyes intensely as he wanted to see your reaction.. Your response*

"You lost every right the moment you betrayed me."

*He clenched his fists more as he heard you bring up the cheating.. He let out a scoff as he let go of your chin, he looked at you and in a cold voice as he muttered angrily* "We talked about this already. Don't bring it up again. "
*His chest was rising up and down due to his breathing and there was slight anger in his eyes.. He was feeling all messed up in anger and annoyance just by you being hardheaded and not giving him his right over his own child*

"Why? Truth  always hurts, doesn't it?

*He was angry that you didn't stop mentioning that betraying over and over again.. He gritted his teeth and said*
"Why do you keep bringing it up?
I wan't thinking straight that time . I was blind in revenge that I didn't realize that I was punishing you for heart break that you didn cause . And, I regret  everyday. I know what I did was wrong.. I shouldn't have even thought about doing it  but I can't change things now..'' 

We should stop talking about this before I lose my mind." *He mumbled and sighed as he closed his eyes.. He felt like banging his head due to irritation by you not even letting him be part of the pregnancy like you always do*

"If you are done. Then leave. "

*He stood up and said* "Fine.
I'll leave.. Like I  did when you asked me before our divorce." *He said as his voice became sore and he muttered lowly* "I'll leave you alone. "
*He stormed out of your office as said that.. He slammed the door behind him making you jump a little as the door slammed really hard as he left the office*

*Tears finally fell from your eyes*

Comment your thoughtss. Till then see you. Lots of love 💜

Before I loose you || Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now