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malia was playing a board game with her brother, when all of a sudden her mom called her and her brother for dinner. they went to the dinner table as fast as they could.

"moom! whats for dinner?" the little girl, malia asked.

"go, look and see. its delicious!" her mom said.

both of them grabbed a seat and started eating right away.

"did you clean up your toys?" her mom asked.

"oh.. oops" malia laughed, and her brother.

"mom.. do you.. think dinosaurs.. still.. exist?" malia said, her words being cut off because shes chewing her food while talking.

"hmm.. maybe, maybe not" her mom answered.

"my favorite dinosaur would be a pterodactyl!" malia said full of excitement.

her mom laughed. they've finished their food and her mom took her brother to put him to bed at his room upstairs. the little girl, malia, went back to clean her toys.. until she was hearing weird thumps and sounds from outside. she checked the window, there was this fight with these weird creatures. who knows what they are. malia was shocked,


the little girl said. not knowing what to do. until the roof of the living room was absolutely destroyed, and she saw something she could never believe. a winged creature, it was flying outside of their roof, facing a fight. it looks like a pterodactyl. it makes these weird noise and made malia more scared. through the hole in the wall, she saw the person she never thought would be her inspiration.

clint barton. she was there, just standing. watching everything. and then her mom showed up by the stairs.

"MALIA! malia my baby! come here!" she shouted.

malia heard her mom say and tried going to her mom, her mom was holding her little brother.
when malia was on her way to her mom, she passed out. her mom let go of her little brother and carried malia out. while trying to get to a safe place to lay malia on, she bumped into this woman.

"uh, do you need help?" the woman said.

"please.. keep her safe." her mom gave malia to this woman and her mom rushed in to get her little brother.

the woman held the little girl and rushed to safety.
they didn't know if her mom and little brother made it out alive, but there was no sight of them after.

they were in a safe shelter now, Malia was waking up. the woman opened up the tv and put it on the "news" channel.

"you're.. not my mom" the little girl said.

malia looked at the tv and there she saw, her mom and her little brother on the news. saying they were both found dead inside their house. malia cried uncontrollably.

"shh.. there there now, im here to take care of you."
the woman said to malia.

malia wiped her tears and said,

"i need to protect us. and everyone."

"but thats my job, hun" the woman said.

"i dont want others to get in this same situation. i need to protect us."

the woman smiled at malia.

"get me a bow and arrow."

Malia Bishop: MikhAiah auWhere stories live. Discover now