Wedding Or Funeral?

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know that he was there either, I didn't see him," He grabbed her knees and explained to her with an urge to be believed. "Did he say something to you?" He enquired only to change the course of their conversation. Adeline stiffened over his words.

"Who...why would you say that?" She babbled.

"Because you left this in my pocket," Trenton took out the piece of tissue that had a word written with lipstick. Help.

She gulped and took a full second to come up with an answer. Either yes or no. Which she chose, ", It's not mine. It wasn't me," She didn't have the courage to expose the threat. Neither did she have any idea what to do.

"You sure?" Trenton pressed on, increasing her uncertainty.

Adeline nodded. "Did you...see Rebecca?" Her mind pictured some men taking her to the rooftop as she thrashed in their hold. She shook her head and zoned back.

"Yeah, she is in the bar arena. I saw her with Dom," It was her father.

"She is?" Adeline felt a wave of relief soothing her heart. Maybe that man false-threatened her. At least, that's what she wanted to believe.

"Is it about her?" Trenton asked.

"No, I told you it's not mine," Adeline sounded desperate. Trenton unwillingly took her words.

"Yeah alright. In fact, she was asking for you. Let's go back before dad notices our absence," Trent patted her back and urged her to stand.

"Yeah," She stood up but before they took a step, Trenton grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Whatever you saw here should stay here, hm?" Trenton seemed serious about it. Adeline nodded. She wasn't even going to tell anyone about it anyway.


This was so frustrating.

Adeline was pacing the room with her phone in her ear. Thirty-two times she had called her and Becca didn't pick up. Now her phone was out of reach.

Adeline huffed in agitation and sat on the sofa beside the window. Trenton reassured her she was at the party but she hadn't seen her after the threat. It had been fourteen hours now. What had happened to her? Did he...did they really...

No. No. No. No.

"Come, Becca, pick up, for god's sake," The line dropped and Adeline groaned again. She called again and glanced outside.

Her eyes automatically set on Trenton who alighted from the car. Adeline cut the call, tossed the phone on the sofa and dashed out of the mansion. Trenton was walking toward the main mansion when Adeline came out of the wing. She sprinted toward him and held his arm, panting.

"Bubbles," Trenton turned around.

"Trent, we need to talk," Adeline rasped out.

"Yeah, we sure do but I'm getting late for the meeting. Can you wait for me?" Trenton put a hand on her hand and tried to pull it away. Adeline sighed loud but couldn't help herself.

"Can you at least tell me where's Becca?" She held his arm again before he could step away.

"Uh, Adeline. Wait please?" Trenton gave her a look.

"Please, I can't reach her," Adeline implored.

"She is sent back to Spain," He told her. Shock smacked Adeline in full force.

"What? way, she was here for my wedding,"

"Now, she is not. Dominic wasn't happy with her so he sent her back," Trenton said, glancing ahead.

"But she is not even picking up my calls," She was always on the phone. It never happened before.

"She might not be in the mood. Relax, give her some time," That confused Adeline even more.

"But why? What did she do?"

"She made the boss upset. That's what she did," Trenton looked back at her. "Understood. Now go back, I'll come to your room in the evening. We have to discuss something," He patted her cheek and walked away. Adeline watched him retreating with a heavy heart. Her friend left her without saying goodbye.

But deep down in her heart, she wasn't taking his explanation literally. She was sent overnight. It sounded unreal. They could have at least waited till the wedding. Something was off. Adele could smell it.

She zoned back but glanced in Trenton's direction again only to get her heart lurched in her throat. Those murderous eyes again. He was staring at her.

Adeline felt her legs shaking. She averted her eyes, turned around and dashed inside. No way she would cross his path again.


"Adeline! Adeline!" Adeline was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to convince herself to believe Trenton's words when Trenton barged inside her room.

She jerked straight and sat on the bed. "What's wrong?" Her eyes were wide open, noticing a black garment bag over his back. "What's this?" She asked the absolute obvious.

"Your wedding dress," She jumped out of the bed. Excitement overtook her anxiety as she marched ahead.

"Want to see it?" Trenton rose his brow and placed the heavy bag on the bed. He hadn't seen it either. He wanted to see her expression when she'd see her dress.

Trenton unzipped the bag and slowly, brought out the dress that was supposed to be white and lovely.


"Trenton, what is it?" Adeline's grin stripped off. This wasn't a wedding dress. It was a funeral gown with a black veil and white flower.

Trenton gaped at the dress with a blank mind. They didn't do this to her. Not too soon.

"Is this wedding dress?" Adeline hitched. Trenton glanced behind and went to hug her. Adeline stared at the dress as his arms consoled her.

"Yeah...actually I forgot to tell you. Everyone wears black at weddings," He came up with a believable lie.

"But this is a funeral gown and Karla didn't tell me any of this," Adeline pulled away and stared back at her dress. Was she going to be sacrificed or wedded to him?

"She wanted to surprise you," He rambled on. Adeline turned to him and was about to speak when he cut her off. "And there's another surprise for you," Adeline frowned and tilted her head, preparing herself to listen to anything better or worse.

"Tomorrow is your wedding,"

Here's the chapter.

Next target: 10 likes, 20 comments.

I have noticed some people find long and detailed chapters a little boring. So, I'm planning to cut down the length. But still wanted to ask, longer updates or shorter ones?

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