Start from the beginning

"ID card" the guard said.

"Huh?" Taehyung blinked.

"Show me your ID," the guard demanded. Taehyung presented his ID, which listed his name, age, and his affiliation with Skyward, his father's illegal company. The guard led him to a room, passing by two men in the living room—one counting money, the other sniffing a substance that Taehyung immediately recognized as drugs.

Taehyung entered the room. "Welcome, Junior Kim" the man inside said with a smirk. He wasn't very tall but had a well-built body, accentuated by a tight shirt. His white-streaked hair reminded Taehyung of someone from two years ago, but he couldn't place the face.

"So, I hear you were late" the boss said, rising from his chair. "I don't like tardiness. Remember, your family and you are as poor as they come. If you don't want to do this, let me know, and you'll pay for it."

The boss's harsh tone made Taehyung flinch in fear. "N-no, I do want to. I'm sorry for being late; it won't happen again" Taehyung stammered. The man gestured for him to leave the room.

"Come this way" the man said, leading Taehyung outside.

The man handed Taehyung a bag and instructed him to deliver the contents carefully. He warned Taehyung that any trouble could also endanger his mother, making it clear that there was no escape.

As Taehyung left the building, he saw his father's car and turned in the opposite direction. Suddenly, he bumped into someone, causing the bag to fall. Mini white packets scattered on the ground. As Taehyung bent down to collect them, the other person picked up one of the packets.

"It's drugs!" the middle-aged man exclaimed.

Taehyung flinched, knowing that the contents of the bag were indeed drugs. The man was part of an agency, as evidenced by his badge and warrant papers.

"Sir, you've got it wrong—" Taehyung started to say, but was interrupted by the man.

"It's drugs, and we are from XXX Agency. We have a search warrant for this building," the agent said, showing his identification and the warrant.

Taehyung's legs went numb at the realization. Before he could react, the agent shouted, "Kim, run!" The man began to flee, triggering an alarm on his wristwatch.

"Who are you? Who are they? How did you get these drugs?" the agent demanded as he noticed Taehyung's ID card on the ground. Taehyung had foolishly left the card in the bag instead of hiding it or leaving it in the car.

The two men accompanying the agent started moving towards Taehyung. "I didn't do anything, sir. Please let me go" Taehyung pleaded as he snatched the card from the agent's hand, pushed him away, and started running.

"Go and catch him!" the agent ordered. The two men immediately gave chase.

                         //flashback ended//

"T-they only know the last name, but they haven't seen my face or gotten my name" Taehyung said, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"You're fucking trash to me. Get out of here" Mr. Kim spat, and then walked away.

Taehyung's sobs grew louder as droplets of blood stained his shirt and the floor. The pain in his burned hand and the heavy weight on his heart made him feel weaker than ever. The sharp memories of his past overwhelmed him, but he quickly pulled himself together. He ran to his desk, opened the drawer, and took out the medication he needed.

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