VII | apologies and best friends

Start from the beginning

"Leave before I kill you with my own two hands."

Shaurya winked at the cute nurse and looked sharply at the ill man. "You cannot event lift your two hands."

Vihaan did not counter that. He did not want to lose against Shaurya fucking Arora. So he did what he always did best, pushed people away with his sharp words. He signaled the nurse to leave them alone with the wave of his fingers and then glared at the happy Shaurya.

"Why the fuck are you here? To tell me more on why I killed my mother?"

Shaurya narrowed his gaze, sitting on steel round chair besides Vihaan's bed. "No, I am here to apologize."

That caught Vihaan off-guard.

Because that was something Vihaan could never do. He had never been taught to apologize to anyone, he had never been taught to take a step back and contemplate on his actions. No matter what he did, right or wrong, his father often told him to act like it was the best thing to do and move with your head up.

Only losers apologized.

Shaurya Arora was not a loser. So why was he aplogising?

"Don't look at me like that-" Shaurya cutely fluttered his pretty eyelashes, "or I might fall in love with you."

Vihaan rolled his eyes and hoped the Earth would open up and swallow him whole. In their decades of mutual partnership, never did they ever aplogise or act cute with each other. Their fathers were business partners and by law, they were more partners than friends.

They were never friends. Just business associates. Partners.

"Are you high, asshole?" Vihaan asked, genuinely concerned. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Shaurya chuckled, relaxing in the cool air of the huge room. 

"I thought I lost my best friend, but you are perfectly fine. So I am just happy that you are here."

Vihaan furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

Shaurya folded his sleeves and exposed his tatted arms, he looked a bit worn out now that Vihaan noticed with his disheveled hair and sadder eyes. 

Surely it was not for him, right? Shaurya Arora never worried for anyone.

He was a carefree playboy who fucked women and left them with little to no remorse.

"Because now I can say sorry to your stupid face and mean it. I stepped way out of line the other day." Shaurya raised his palms, stopping himself mid-speech. "Not about Meera of course, about the thing I said about your mother."

The mention of both Meera and his mother made Vihaan shift uncomfortably. He averted his gaze to the nothingness of the white walls and nodded. He did not want to talk about any of it at the moment, even though Meera was fucking with his mind constantly.

What the fuck was that dream he had.

The one where he held her and kissed her.

"Fuck it," Vihaan let it slide. "Let's not talk about it."

Shaurya did not push the matter. He nodded in acknowledgement and sat back reading through the file, taking pictures of it on his mobile. Vihaan did not question him, anything said to that stubborn man meant banging your head against the wall.

Shaurya and Meera were very familiar in a lot of ways.

Both of them loved an asshole diligently for starters.

"What are you doing here?"

Shaurya looked up from the file, "oh, I thought you were dying so I came here to sign your death certificate."

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