el :)
good because it's all I can promise

for right now and Idk if they'll even let

me when the time comes

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

Eliza was grinning stupidly at her phone as she texted Lando, and her father who was sitting across from her was giving her an amused look. "you know sweetheart, these father-daughter days we do you're not supposed to be so engrossed in your phone... which you normally aren't." See Eliza and her father have these monthly catch-up days, where he will fly to London or she'll fly to him if he's busy with a project, and can't get away or leave the country and they would spend the whole day together catching up on things and then go out for dinner.

Since they were both very busy at times. 

She locked her phone and put it in her pocket "Huh?" she had indeed been so engrossed in her phone that she didn't register what her father had said.

Her father chuckled, he knew his daughter well enough to know that she was talking to and or crushing on someone, just by the way she was acting right now, they were just extremely close like that, "so who's the boy then?" he was giving her a teasing look.

Eliza blushed slightly at that letting him know that he was correct and there indeed was a boy, she sighed, "Well his name is Lando," she knew that she wouldn't get out of this, so she was just going to get it over with and tell him, "and we met about a month/month and a half ago because he accidentally texted the wrong number and we've just been getting to know each other... but it also turns out that he's a friend of Charlie's and we met face to face for the first time when Nat, Mikey and I went to Monaco, but didn't realize that we had met until earlier today, he sent me a picture and I recognized him, from when we met a couple of weeks ago." 

"and you're crushing on this boy?" Johnathan Moore questioned with a raised brow at his only child.

She fought back a smile which her father of course noticed, "I mean like maybe, it's just that he's funny and sweet, he gets my humor and even knowing exactly who I am he doesn't treat me any different than he did before he knew that... Nat keeps saying that he's boyfriend material and I'm kind of seeing it the more I get to know him and the new song that I mentioned that I finished the other day is about him." The older man smiled seeing his daughter so happy and carefree as she talked about the boy she was crushing on if she was happy then he was happy for her, he liked seeing her like this. "and he wanted to hear it, the song, I mean since I posted on Instagram about being back to work but I said I couldn't do that but I did say that I would try and convince my team to let me show him before it was officially released when we chose a release date.... which I am kind of nervous about since the song is about him."

Her dad shook his head, but there was a smile on the older man's face "Can you play it for me?" 

She shrugged knowing that her dad wasn't going to broadcast this anywhere... "let me grab my guitar and I'll give you the acoustic version, and I did start and finish writing this before I knew that we had met just for warning before I play it." 

her dad laughed, "Okay." then she ran out of the room and upstairs to grab her guitar, her dad was normally the first person to hear her songs which was something that she'd done since she started playing and writing music. 

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