Chapter 33 - Opera and revelations

Start from the beginning

The grand wall, Gilded ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and plush red velvet seats create an atmosphere of timeless elegance. We're escorted to a private box with an unparalleled view of the stage. It's the best box of the house, and of course, the family owned it. It's a perk if you are part of the elite.

But throughout all this splendor and splendor, the most mesmerizing thing in this room, is this little 5'4 girl, with this deep brown hair and those striking  emerald eyes, and that fuck-me body. In a world where I was always the predator, a monster, I felt suddenly felt like a little boy having his first crush on a girl, and it made me feel like a fucking pussy.

I pull out Maddie's chair for her. My mother raised three very romantic boys, we do not always exclude it, but it's there when it is needed. My gesture earning an appreciative look from her.

"Do you come here often?" Maddie asked, settling into her seat. Her eyes widen at the extravagance.

"I used to growing up, but not any more." I explain to her, my eyes scanning the crowd before returning to her. "It's my mother's favorite opera house." I share that detail with her for no particular reason.

The lights dim, signaling the beginning of the performance. As the first notes of the overture fill the air, I lean closer to Maddie, my presence both commanding and protective, and I whisper to her, "I hope you enjoy the show. It's one of my favorites."

Maddie turns her head to me, her excitement palpable. I cannot help but to take her hand in mine, a subtle yet possessive gesture, and with my thumb gently caressing the back of her hand. As the curtain rose, the rich, powerful voices of the performers captivate the audience, the story unfolding in a symphony of emotion and drama.

Through the show, I glance over to see Maddie's reaction. It's far more interesting to watch her than this performance. I know the play like the back off my hand, but seeing someone experiencing opera for the first time, is mesmerizing. Especially if they are as hot as Maddie.

When the curtains fall and the intermission begins, I stand up and extend my hand to Maddie. "Let's go for a walk," I suggest, my voice firm yet inviting. She willingly takes my hand, and I gently pull her to her feet.

As we stroll through the grand hall, she rests her hand on my biceps. "How do you like it so far?" I ask, glancing down at her.

My heart skips a beat as her beautiful emerald eyes light up, and a breathtaking smile spreads across her face, illuminating her features. "Oh Luca, it's amazing," she beams, her excitement infectious. I catch my own reflection in a passing mirror and am surprised to see a smile on my face, looking more relaxed than usual.

The hall is bustling with people stretching their legs during the intermission, the opera being an all-night affair. My imposing figure and confident demeanor naturally draw attention, but it's nothing I'm not used to.

Lost in our little bubble, I notice too late when someone approaches us until he is within arm's reach. My head snaps in his direction, and with my free hand, I instinctively reach for the Desert Eagle in its holster strapped to my chest beneath my smoking jacket. Then I recognize the man—one of my father's business associates.

In a swift motion, I slightly pull Maddie behind me, hoping he doesn't notice her. "Luca, it's been too long. How have you been?" Giovanni greets me, his voice dripping with familiarity.

"Good to see you, Giovanni. All is well," I reply, shaking his hand firmly. His gaze shifts to Maddie, partially concealed behind me. "And who is this lovely lady?" The way he eyes her stirs something possessive within me, but I maintain my composure, knowing he will scrutinize my next move carefully. All though we are on friendly terms, I have learned a long time ago that nobody outside the family can be trusted in this world.

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