O4 Baby Keep My Heart Beating

Start from the beginning

Daniel seemed to consider this. His hold on me loosened. "Whatever." He dropped my arm completely and stalked away in the opposite direction.

My arm was bright red where he had me in a death grip. His angry hand print marked my skin.

Peter took a look at it, gently running his fingertips over it. The chill I felt had nothing to do with his touch. It was cold for an early June afternoon. "It's gonna bruise." He looked in the direction Daniel ran off in like he wanted throttle him. "That guy's a jerk."

"I wish I knew that two months ago."

He gazed at me with sympathy. I wasn't used to that from people other than Cherry. "Sorry, you had to deal with him."

"My choice." I said, stepping out of his intoxicating orbit. "Some of the best songs come from dating crappy people."

His brows bunched together. "You wrote a song about Daniel?"

"Multiple. That's why he was so angry just now."

"You wrote them in your notebook?"


He raised a brow, like he knew something super obvious and was waiting for me to get it.

"Oh my god!" I gasped. "Daniel stole my notebook. He had to. No one else had any reason to take it."

I should've listened to my mom the first time I introduced her to Daniel. She said he gave her bad vibes. I thought it was just because of his leg tattoo and septum piercing.

"We'll figure out what to do with him later," Peter said, glancing at his watch. "I promised your mom I'd have you home by now."

"Right, don't want to ruin your perfect record of parental butt kissing."

"This year, I'm going for the gold."

I laughed out loud. I swear his eyes lit up like he'd won a prize. He blinked and it was gone. "Let's get you home."

We went through the field to his car that was parked haphazardly at the curb. Did he see Daniel put his hands on me from way over here and jump out to help?

"What are you doing out here, anyway?" I asked, settling into the passenger seat of his car. "I thought you had daycamp duties."

"I did. I do. I just wanted to make sure you were home," he told me as he started the drive to my house.

"So, you drove around looking for me?" Something about that warmed my chest.

"I was on my way to your house when I saw you and Daniel." His knuckles went white around the steering wheel when he mentioned my ex. "Nothing pisses me off more than a guy putting his hands on a girl."

I was touched by how angry he was on my behalf. I'd never seen Peter in a fight, but I'd bet money on him based on his anger alone. "Well, this girl could've laid that guy out."

He suddenly turned to me. "Has he done that before? Hurt you?"

"No. Never," I answered truthfully. I'd seen Daniel rough up guys before, but he'd never been that angry at me. It was usually the other way around. He constantly did things to upset me to the point where I'd throw something heavy in his general direction.

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