Her face flushed pink in embarrassment, and she scowled. "Yeah, well at least I can actually feel things instead of being a heartless prick all the time" she snapped, her tone laced with anger and frustration.

"I feel plenty," his eyes narrowing, "It's just that I don't feel things irrationally, and uncontrollably like you do." He said, his tone flat, "If something makes me feel an emotional response, I process it rationally, I don't just start crying my eyes out, I use my brain."

Her eyes darkened with fury at his words "Yes, because emotions are a weakness, right?", her voice filled with hurt, "It's all about being cold and collected, I forgot you were the perfect emotionless thing, and I'm the pathetic emotional wreck" her words full of sarcasm to match his.

His eyes locked onto hers fiercely, his jaw clenching "They are a weakness, they make you irrational" he said, his tone harsh, his gaze unyielding. "Emotions cloud your judgment and make you do stupid things and say stupid things. That's why it's better to deal with them in a logical way. They make you vulnerable, and yet, you display them with such ease, such recklessness."

"Emotions are a part of being human," She protested, a flicker of defiance in her eyes as she met his intense gaze. "They are what makes us complex beings, they drive us forward, they help us empathize with others, and connect with ourselves," Her voice filled with conviction. "They're not a weakness; they're a strength.”

His lips curled into a sardonic smile, "Spoken like a true emotional wreck,” he taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. “Emotions might make you feel connected and empathetic, but they also make you vulnerable. They can drive you to act impulsively, say things you shouldn’t, and cloud your judgment.” His gaze softening just by a bit as he added mockingly, “And that’s weakness in my book.”

She laughed hollowly, shaking her head in disbelief "That’s the problem with people like you, Malfoy" her words tinged with bitterness. "You think that being cold and heartless is a strength, but it’s not."

She paused, her voice wavering with emotion "It’s a weakness too, because in the end, not feeling anything means you’re not really living.”

He rolls his eyes "Done with being dramatic?"

She rolls her eyes back at him, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm not being dramatic, I'm being sincere." she said, her tone laced with a hint of defensiveness.

"Sure" he says sarcastically "Anyways you said the reason you didn't want to sleep is because you don't want to fall back into the void?"

Her expression changed, shifting from frustration to a hint of vulnerability. She hesitates a moment before nodding. "Yes, that's right." her voice barely above a whisper.

The mocking and teasing tone from his voice fades away. He straightens himself on the armrest he's almost sure he has read about it somewhere,.

"The Void," he repeated slowly, his brow furrowing in thought as if trying to remember something. "It's a place," she says, her voice still low, almost as if she's talking to herself. "It's a place that's completely empty and devoid of anything, it's completely dark and lonely." Her eyes flickered to him for a moment, and he noticed the fear in her eyes.

"It's like falling into a deep well and not being able to find anything to hold onto," she continued. "You just keep falling and falling, deeper and deeper."

His features remain blank, but a flicker of understanding passes through his eyes. He's almost certain that he has heard a reference to the void before, in a book he read a year ago, "I recall I've read about it,"

Her eyes widen at his words.  "You've heard of it?" she asked, her gaze fixated on him intently.

"Yes," he affirms, his voice flat. "I recall reading about the void. It's a metaphysical state of consciousness, isn't it? A sort of limbo between life and death, where the soul or the consciousness experiences a profound emptiness and solitude."

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