Finally they were led down a corridor off the main chamber that gradually inclined until they were brought into a large room that was possibly the comfiest she had ever seen. Half the room was practically entirely seating and cushions, while the other half was a desk surrounded by a sea of fluffy carpeting. It was almost difficult for her to grasp that they were still on the same craft.
"Get comfy," snarled the mutant guard with tentacles. "Don't try to leave before Ruby Soul gets here, or you'll have every mutant on board gunnin' to tear yer skin off."
With that their guards left the room and a metal door shut behind them, leaving the three crew-mates alone.
"Well... this is certainly different to what I expected," Lin muttered as she walked slowly across the room, her eyes roaming around it.
"Nope, exactly what i expected," Budd replied as he glared at the cushion closest to him. "In my experience anyone who puts you in a room this comfy is planning to do terrible things to you. Potentially sexy, but mostly terrible."
Lin shook her head and glanced back over her shoulder at him. "And this was a common occurrence for you?"
He shrugged. "Y'know, twice. But twice is still eerily too coincidental."
Keela rubbed at her arm. "Who is this Ruby Soul?"
"Well, I only ever saw her on TV or whatever," Budd said as he looked at her. "And that was a long, long, long time ago, so I didn't recognise her. But she was some mutant telepath. Australian. She never made a big name for herself, then just kinda... vanished. I guess she was still around, just kept low."
"So why would she want us?"
Budd chuckled. "Who wouldn't? We're a damn trio of snacks."
Lin sighed. "Ignore him. I don't think it's so much her that wants us."
Keela's eyes narrowed under her helmet. "Who then?"
"Well, that would ruin the surprise." All three turned to find Ruby Soul in the open doorway. "Though you are wrong, I am also interested in you three. But I'd prefer to just... chat."
Budd scoffed. "And then smother us with a cushion, right?"
"Do you really think I'd do that?" she asked, then her eyes narrowed. "Why can't I read your mind?"
He shrugged. "You tell me."
She smirked. "My guess is it has something to do with your immortality." Ruby Soul chuckled as the colour left his face. "I can't read your mind, or the sorceresses, but your mechanic is not so well shielded."
A squeak escaped Keela as she took a step back and half-tripped on a cushion. All eyes were on her and she just wanted to die. She couldn't even look her captain in his eyes, for fear of the disappointment she would find there.
Ruby Soul chuckled. "Don't blame the poor girl, her suit does what it can. Though you should see what she has going on in there. Very tasty."
Budd jabbed a finger in Ruby Soul's direction as his face darkened. "You stay out of her mind, or we're gonna have a real problem. And I have all the time in the universe to make you regret it."
Keela was suddenly so glad that none could see her face beneath her helmet, or else they would have seen how she blushed. It was enough of a struggle for her to keep her legs steady as it was given her Captain's words.
A glance at the woman Ruby Soul told Keela she knew how her thoughts had shifted, yet then suddenly she felt the presence leave her and her suit no longer registered a telepathic intrusion.

The Warrior
FanfictionThe future of the Marvel universe is a dangerous place... In a universe trying to repair itself after a cataclysm it can be difficult for people to find their place, such as the crew of the ship known as 'The Warrior'. A band of misfits just trying...
Issue 6- The Mechanic (Part 3)
Start from the beginning