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Early on when teaching a newborn or a child, their guardian must instate rules and basics of life. Outside of instinct, the child follows what is said and done around them, in an attempt to improve their knowledge and understanding. As a child grows up their morals are shifted to fit those around them as those are the only morals they know of as of that point in time. That child is shaped to be the person they are today because of their environment and how that environment changes them is up to the guardians that make it caring, abusive, neglectful, or familiar.

In other cases, teaching an old dog new tricks can be a hassle. But that's why, more often than not, you must break down said dog so they are as good as new.

The white void bleed into his sockets even as he shut his eyes, he covered his "ears" to try and hide from the daunting voices that spat at him with such vile words that he's never heard before. And he's been in here...for stars know how long. He doesn't know... there's no clocks here, no way to tell time, its white all over

white on the ground

white ceiling

white walls


It doesn't even seem like a word anymore. It can't be a color. It just can't! This image that is plastered all around him and into his eyelights brings hell to his psyche. He can't take another moment in this white abyss. This desert. This wasteland. When can he get out? Is there even an out? From one void to another. He couldn't and didn't want to hear or see anything. He would tear out his eyes and ears a million times over if it meant he could escape.

If he could, he would.

He would...

White... was not, could not, be a color he saw any more... With the blood from his own bones, his own sockets, all he saw was red. Red. Red

Red was a better color anyways.

It had different colors in it too, lik3...
L1ghter red

Dark r3d...

rED...A V3R7...4141410


It was better than white. Anything was better than white, that hellish color.

What he could give to %0 B@($ in that void

That not white void... how he missed it...

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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