25. "He just makes me happy."

Start from the beginning

"I know. Thank you."

He then started telling me about something funny that Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin did before we hung up.

Then Leeroy sent us his beat with the caption,

'I trust this one. Listen and feel. I trust you'll do well. Good luck, my girls.'

As the music started, Madis head jerked up, and she stared at me. Vic's eyes were closed as her head bobbed with it, and my eyes were wide. And in that moment, I knew. I knew we had found our song.

And as we listened to our recent work, I realized why Madi had that reaction. Ours was so similar to his. As if telepathically, we knew the vibes of this song even though we didn't talk about it. But if I had to explain, I'd say our beats weren't siblings, but cousins. They might be distant cousins, but family nonetheless, as the resemblance was definitely there.

"Leeroy, you're a genius. Thank you so much. We'll try to fit the lyrics to it. We love you." I basically screamed into the phone after our second listen.

"Hey, no problem. I had fun working on it. And it's on the house for your first song. Goodluck girls." And with that, he hung up.

We all screamed as we listened to it again. This meant it was definitely official and that our music was really real.


Chan and the group chat have been quiet since last night, as it was their release day and they had to go perform it. But we sent supportive messages, as the album was indeed amazing. But then we used the quiet and started recording. It took us the whole night to do the demo version and to get used to the mic and beat, but at the end of the night, we managed to get through one verse.

The next six days, the boys were performing and doing preparations and fittings, so we kept working on the song. Chan came over each night stressed and overtired. I told him he didn't have to come over, but he always kissed me to keep me quiet. Our apartment became his second home during the two weeks it took for their promotions. And every night, he'd spend it with me.

And after the second week, we decided to send it to Lesserafim for a duet, and Yunjin said she'd hop on. So she recorded her part, and we sent it to Leeroy to finish.

"Do you think the fans would like it?" I asked the girls. We all cuddled in Madis bed after we sent it to be finalized. I was so nervous because we had never done something like this, so we didn't know what to do next or how to continue. And Ross helped, but it was also new to him. But we decided to just go with the flow and see where it takes us.

"I think they would." Vic whispered, running her hand through my hair. "I mean, we got amazing reactions after our video, and hopefully this will show the world that BLOSSOM is ready to take over." She spoke gently, which was calming as my body was shaking with nerves.

"Hey baby. Won't be able to make it tonight. Will call and explain tomorrow. Sweet dreams.' Chans message read, and my heart cracked a little. He's been here every night for almost two weeks, and I got so used to sleeping with and talking to him that it felt like we'd done it for ages.

"How is Chris? Are you happy?" Madi asked as she saw his message. She and Sakura have been taking things really slow. Slow to the point she even wondered about it, but she also gave Sakura space to think about it and not pressure her for more.

"He's amazing. And I think I'm the happiest I've ever been. He just brings the best out of me. He makes me excited to feel things I always kept locked away." I whispered as a warm blush covered my face.

"I don't know how to explain it, guys. But he just makes me happy. He makes me feel safe, and he makes me see everything I never noticed about me or life in such a different, beautiful way." I bit my lip as my heart began racing just thinking of him.

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