The kingdom of sand was a dangerous place to live for most other dragon tribes. but in this land of sand and cacti lived the sandwing. tribe a dragon tribe of glorious golden dragons with scorpion-like tails and sails on their backs,
They bodies keenly attuned to the desert's intense heat. their scale could even emit heat making the icy cold nights in the desert a breeze for them,
The tribe's queen Queen Oasis was set to have another dragonet soon enough. she had already had three heirs named Burn, Blister and Blaze but now soon another member would join the family. but this was to be Queen Oasis's last egg her final heir,
Queen Oasis's middle dragonet Blister would watched the egg careful. but Queen Oasis knew better then to let blister be alone with her unhatched sister. and didn't take her eyes off the young princess while she was in the same room as the egg,
This egg was treated differently. because of the danger of Blister potentially doing something to the egg. Queen Oasis forgoes the old tradition of burying the egg in the desert's sands. instead she would carry it with her in a sling over her chest. anywhere she went or have Burn look after it as she trusted her oldest daughter far more then Blister or Blaze,
By midday. Queen Oasis join in watching her oldest heir's progress in her training,
"Impressive form Burn. Again." Queen Oasis said with an impassive look on her face. A clawed hand caressed the small bundle slung over her torso as she sat on a jeweled chair and observed her daughter's training.
Burn however blasted fire at the training dummy, instead of her claws. Sand speckled her scales, making her seem to glisten with sweat, all the more emphasizing her training workout that left her chest heaving. "Enough Mother. I have done this drill a thousand times. I have studied battle techniques for moons and have exceeded every teacher's expectations. I could take you on for the throne right now, then you wouldn't have to be paranoid about my new sister's birth. I might even have her over for my victory breakfast." She sneered some.
Oasis eyed her daughter. Then she smiled. "You have much to learn it seems. But care to back up your bold words?" Burn's eyes widened. Then she nodded. "Absolutely."
Oasis then clapped her hands together. "Wonderful! Heatstroke, step forward and humble my daughter." "What?!! I'm challenging you! Not him!
Oasis chuckled. "And as Queen I am entitled to have any of my finest elite guardsmen take my place. Especially when I am caring for a precious new heir. Not getting cold talons now are we?"Burn growled as smoke started to billow from both dragon's mouths. She wouldn't let this insult live her down.
With another clap of the queen's talons Heatstroke sprang into action. like a vicious spring loaded jaguar it caught Princess Burn a little off guard. but she was ready to defend herself to prove her words was more just boasting,
For each strike Heatstroke gave Burn. she delivered one back tenfold Burn was no weakling. and Queen Oasis knew that all too well. she knew Burn was strong but also knew if she wasn't humbled. if she failed to learn some humility she would fail as a queen. and likely fall to one of her sisters worst she would make for a awful big sister to her soon to be sister,
As powerful as Princess Burn was. she still stood no chance against Heatstroke Queen Oasis knew this. she had purposefully thrown a impassable challenge at Burn to humble her the only way she knew through battle,
It was a close battle both dragons unwilling to give in. that was until Heatstroke slashed his talons over Burn's face. cutting a deep wound just below her left eye in retaliation Burn shot a blast of fire at Heatstroke. but he countered her retaliation with his own fire breath,

Friendship Forged In Fire
FantasiaA thrilling tale of two female sandwings from two very different families facing many difficult trials and challenges through out their lives forging a unbreakable friendship,