Jon Bon Jovi - Cuddles

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Talia's POV

'Are you okay' Jon says as I place my head on his chest

'Yeah, I felt lonely' I say smiling

'Is that my jumper?' Jon says

'Maybe' I say

'And my sweatpants!' Jon says chuckling

'Well, what else do you expect me to wear when we're on a tour bus and we can't sleep on the same bunk so I need something to help me fall asleep' I say looking up at him

'Touche' He says

'Aww, look at you' Dave says

'Where did you come from?' I say

'I was in the toilet, trying to pop this spot I have on my temple' Dave says

'Let me see it' I say sitting up

'Sit here' I say patting the space beside me

Dave sits beside me and moves his hair out of the way.

'It's really sore' He says

'You're not squeezing it enough' I say

'You do it then' Dave says

'Well, if it's sore then hold something' I say

Dave grabs a pillow beside him and makes a fist

I put my two pointer fingers on his skin and started popping the spot

'Ow!' Dave shouts

'Don't move!' I say sternly

'It's sore though' Dave says trying to move away

'It'll hurt more if you keep moving' I say rolling my eyes

'Jon, your girlfriend is hurting me' Dave says

'Fiancee actually' I correct him making Jon snigger

'Well, fiancee then' Dave says

I put more pressure on it and that's when it pops

'I felt that!' Dave shouts in disgust

'Well, obviously it's on your skin' I say getting up to wash my hands

'How do I get this off?' Dave says

'Wipe it with toilet roll' I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world

'What?' Dave says

'Oh my god' I say quickly drying my hand and going into the toilet and grabbing some toilet paper

'Here' I say handing it to Dave

'Oh you meant toilet paper' Dave says

'You're English fiancee doesn't make sense' Dave says wiping it off his face

'No, you don't make sense' I say moving to sit on Jon's lap

'What's with all shouting?' Richie says walking into the room with Tico and Alec

'Talia popped the spot I had on my temple and it hurt like a bitch' Dave says

'Just have better facial hygiene and then you won't get spots' I say making everyone laugh

'How do you think Jon and I never break out in spots' I say sassily

'Jon, this is bullying at this point!' Dave says

'Dave, she has a point' Richie says

'Is this gang up on Dave day?' Dave says folding his arms and sitting down on the couch

'No! It's Dave's being stupid day' I say giggling

'That's it' Dave says and throws a pillow at my face but Jon quickly catches it

'Nice try' Jon says throwing it back

I smile and stick the middle finger up at Dave. I'm glad that the boys can always take a joke.

'You know what we should do when we get to LA' Richie says

'What?' Tico says

'Go out and get drunk' Richie says

'I haven't been drunk in ages' I say

'You were drunk last weekend' Jon says chuckling

'I was not!' I say sitting up

'Yes you were' Jon says

'You were, you got us kicked out of the bar' Dave says

'How?' I say

'You started a fight with some girl because she kept looking at Jon' Richie says

'Oh' I say

'It was scary' Alec says

'You didn't even give the girl a chance to hit back' Richie says

'Don't look at my man then' I say giggling

'You literally jumped over the table to get to her' Jon says

'Ok, now you're over-exaggerating it' I say

'I'm not!' Jon says

'You did Talia' Alec says

'Whatever, it's over now' I say waving my hand in the air

'Who wants to play cards?' Tico says and everyone joins in but me because I'm tired and I don't want to move from Jon's lap for more than one reason ;)

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