Chapter 109 : The Fireworks

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Elara scoffed, his voice sharp as a blade. "I don't need your advice. Thanks but no thanks. I don't want your blessings tarnishing my achievements."

Ava stood frozen between them, a silent witness to the unspoken war raging between her husband and her brother. Suddenly, Ibrahim turned to her, his gaze softening as it met hers. "Get in the car, Ava," he said, his voice gentle.

And Ava listened and slid into the car, leaving them to converse. And when Ibrahim saw Ava securely sat inside the car, he turned at Elara, "Be mindful of your boundaries, Elara Lim. I don't take kindly to those who overstep their mark. Don't come between me and Ava. And you can continue you Investigation about me as you're doing now."

Elara's retort was equally chilling. "Pray for mercy, Ibrahim. Otherwise..." 

Ibrahim smirked, "Do as you please, Elara. Let's see who wins this game."

With that, he opened the car door and slid into the driver's seat. The car roared to life. Ava, sat in the passenger seat, "What were you and Elara talking about?" 

Ibrahim glanced briefly at her, then back at the road. "Nothing, just our usual."

Ava wasn't convinced. "You didn't threaten Elara, right?" she pushed, a note of worry creeping into her voice.

Ibrahim smirked, "Your brother wouldn't be deterred by a threat. Now tell me, how was your day?"

Ava's lips curved into a smile. "It was good. I finally met up with my friends after long.... we caught up and just laughed for hours." She paused. Her gaze shifted, capturing the distant sight of fireworks illuminating the night sky. "Ibrahim, stop the car!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the distant spectacle.

Ibrahim followed her gaze, "Looks like someone's celebrating. Marriage or something." But he didn't stop the car yet. 

"Please Ibrahim," Ava pleaded, "I want to see them properly." She leaned forward, searching for a better angle.

Ibrahim knew the view from their current spot wasn't ideal, obscured by buildings and houses. With a silent decision, he put the car in gear, weaving through the night streets until they reached a good place. The buildings and houses gave way to open space, offering an unobstructed view of the heavens ablaze with colorful streaks. He navigated through deserted lanes, the silence broken only by the chirping of crickets and the distant hum of traffic.

Finally, they reached a clearing, the road opening up to reveal a breathtaking vista. A sprawling lake, its surface like a mirror reflecting the city lights, lay before them. And beyond, the night sky was a canvas ablaze with fireworks. 

Ava gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as the car rolled to a stop. She didn't think for a second before opening the car door and came out of the car. She ran towards the lake, her heels clicking on the pavement, and reached a small wooden bridge that extended for a sidewalk, leading towards the middle of the lake. The bridge, weathered but sturdy, had a railing that offered a perfect view of the fireworks above them. 

Ibrahim came after Ava, "Careful, Baby Girl. You'll trip in those heels." 

Ava reached the middle of the bridge, her arms outstretched, her face bathed in the vibrant glow of the fireworks. She looked like a child, her eyes wide with wonder.

And a smile danced at Ibrahim's lips. He was coming at slow steps. He had always loved seeing Ava like this, her face alight with childlike wonder.

 It was a scene straight out of a fairy tale, the kind that existed only in dreams. The fireworks, no longer muted and distant, were a sensory feast, their explosions echoing across the water, the shimmering trails painting the sky. They were in colour of gold and silver, red and green.

Ibrahim reached Ava's side just as a particularly spectacular burst of golden light rained down from the heavens, momentarily eclipsing the moon, "Do you like them?" 

Ava turned to him, her eyes sparkling like fireflies. "Who doesn't? They're so beautiful, so magical! It's like the sky is crying happy tears. Every color, every shape, disappearing just as quickly as they appear. I want to see the fireworks of Burj Khalifa on New Year's Eve. I have that one wish."

In that fleeting moment, she looked more like a princess bathed in firelight than the wife of a notorious mafia boss. She was that innocent and pure. Ava was a definition of white rose.

Ibrahim's smile widened, "Then I'll make it happen. You'll see them."

Ava's eyes widened, surprise battling with joy on her face. "Really? You… you mean it?"

Ibrahim nodded, his hand finding hers, "Ofcourse. Anything you wish. Your wish is my command."

Ava's heart overflowed with joy and she threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. "Wow, Ibrahim, it would be amazing! It's November 30th today… only one month to go!"

Ibrahim hugged her back, savoring the warmth of her body against his. But Ava continued, "And there's another amazing thing happening tomorrow!"

Ibrahim, still, embracing her, gently asked, "What?" His hand soothingly patted her head.

"The scholarship list comes out tomorrow! If I get it, I can go to Manchester University for my final year!" Ava exclaimed.....







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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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