🍪 ☆ shadow milk x reader

Start from the beginning



You were startled from Shadow Milk's sudden response. The Faeries must've heard him and might wake up, especially the Guardian of the Silver Tree.

You quickly looked around, and thankfully, there was still no Faerie in sight.

"Shadow Milk Cookie?" You stammered. "Are you speaking to just me?"

"Yes, yes! Hehehe, you were SO silly when you got startled!!" His laugh came to a sharp stop. "What are ya doing here this late!? Oh, wait, you're not a Faerie-you don't sleep like them!"

You frowned, noticing how much he had changed. You wanted to know why he turned evil, and you had the same faith in him just like your ancestors.

You believed a fraction of his innocence remained in him.

"You know you don't have to whisper to me! I can hear you loud and clear!"

"The Faeries will hear me! I must stay quiet, and you-" you hesitated. "-you should stop screaming at me!"

Shadow Milk maniacally laughed. You groaned, realizing it'll be harder to learn about his past. "Do you even believe everything the Faeries tell you about me?"

You swore you heard venom dripping out of his voice. "What do you mean...?" You nervously laughed.

"That's HILARIOUS!!! Silly, even!" He said. "I was never meant to be sealed. We wanted more power for the good of Earthbread! They assumed we used our powers for ourselves, but that's a lie. Every Cookie around you is a liar."

You stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

He was once a Cookie of Knowledge, who would preach truth and knowledge.

Now, he has turned into a Beast of Deceit.

But why would he do that...?

"I used to be a Hero of Knowledge! I know everything..." With a deeper voice, he said, "Only I speak the truth."

"Did you travel back in time!? You're a Beast of Deceit!" You were angry that your conversation with him wasn't going anywhere. "Don't think I'll easily believe your lies. I know you."

"Correction, Y/F!" Your heart sank. You never told him your name, yet he knows. "I know you. Aren't ya mind-blown that I know your name!?"

"Yeah... sure," you rolled your eyes, not interested in his lies. "Anyway, I'm here to ask you something."

He paused for a second or two. "What do you want, Y/F?" He asked rudely.

You flinched a little at his rude tone. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. "I want to learn about your past, Shadow Milk."

He laughed. "Hehehe! What makes you think I'll share my secrets with you, silly Y/F!?"

"What makes me think you'll share your secrets?" You hummed. "My family were your followers before you turned to Darkness, Shadow Milk. You don't have to be afraid of me."

He was silent.

"We believe you can still return to the grace of Knowledge. A fraction of you is still a Hero, despite everything," you sighed. "So tell me what I want to know. Don't even lie, by the way," you giggled. "I'm your follower."

"If you're my follower, so be it!" He paused. "Waittt... are you sent by those PESKY little Ancients!?"

"I already said my family are your followers," you rolled your eyes.

He was silent for a while. "I GUESS I can trust you! It was great to lead the Cookie World with the others by my side... Cookies prayed to us, praised us, and said they were grateful to have us as their leaders."

You stayed silent, letting him continue.

"When we saw Darkness, we'd never seen it before and we were so... fascinated. Well, i-it is fascinating!" He nervously giggled. "I wanted more than what I had, so I turned into Darkness before the rest. When the Beasts asked me what it was like, I convinced all of them to turn into Darkness with me."

"You had all the praise anyone could ever want," you said. "Why would you...?"

He was silent, not knowing what to say. After an awkward silence, he said, "Oh, silly willy Y/F! You're smarter than the most, ya know! Why waste your time here when you could be making changes in Earthbread!?"

"You're stalling."

"Fine! You got me..." he groaned. "You indeed are smarter than most who come to the Silver Tree. Even that Guardian."

You smiled, knowing he never spoke like this in a long time. From family traditions and stories, this is how Shadow Milk spoke when he was a Hero.

"What do you feel, now that everything has changed?" You asked.

He sighed. "I'm not sure if I like how everything turned out, even if it's my fault. Whether you believe it or not, I... miss everything."

"There is always room for change, Shadow Milk," you smiled. "You can still be a Hero."

"Do you truly think so?"

You noticed the fading evil in his voice. Resting your forehead on the silver bark, you said, "Even if people will not approve of you, I am always here, my friend."

"Friend?" Shadow Milk chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose it has been a while. I'm glad you came, Y/F."

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