[Chapter 31] The Issue of salt and an expedition

Start from the beginning

Rhea met his gaze and nodded. "You're right, Winston. We'll need to be careful in our selection. This is a delicate situation, and we can't afford to make mistakes."

The beast kings felt a weird energy settle in the room. It was a real possibility Rhea would need to give birth to more children either way, as a sacrifice to the black wind tribe. And if she could give birth to a feral female, wouldn't it solve their problem?


Rhea stood at the edge of the courtyard, watching Harley play with Dali's wolf pups. The pups tumbled around her daughter, their playful yips mixing with Harley's laughter. Had she ever played like this as a child? She wasn't sure.

When Rhea was Harley's age, her life had already been mapped out for her. She had been betrothed, her future determined by alliances and family expectations. It had been a life of constraints and obligations, one she had fought hard to break free from. She never wanted Harley to suffer the same fate. As a princess, Harley had responsibilities, but Rhea was determined her responsibility would never consider her gender.

The sound of Harley's laughter brought a smile to Rhea's face. She wanted to preserve that innocence, to ensure Harley could live a life of her own making. But for that to happen, she needed to secure their tribe's future.

Her children could never be bargaining chips. Even if she was no different from her calloused mother, this was the least she could do, at least for Harvey.


Rhea stood at the gates of the Black Wind Tribe, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her shoulders. The sun was just beginning to rise, so the city was only beginning to wake up.

She had made up her mind to foster positive relations with other tribes, a journey that would take her far from home for an extended period. If she could have enough allies then the issue of merman wouldnt shake them so much.

Her heart ached at the thought of leaving Harley and her mates behind, but it was a necessary step for the future of her people.

Her first destination was the Peacock Tribe, which was close, but she planned to visit other tribes as well. Rhea wandered through the town, searching for Alva. She found him in the downtown area, surrounded by a group of revelers, clearly enjoying himself far too much for someone who was supposed to be a guest.

"Alva!" Rhea called out, her voice carrying authority.

Alva turned to see her, a mischievous grin on his face. "Rhea! Join us! The night is still young."

'It's literally dawn.'

She sighed, trying to mask her irritation. "You were supposed to leave days ago. I need you to lead me to the Peacock Tribe."

Alva pouted, clearly not pleased with the prospect. "But I don't want to go home. It's so boring there."

Rhea's patience was wearing thin. "You're coming with me, Alva. No more excuses."

He whined but didn't argue further, knowing better than to test her patience. She dragged him back to get cleaned and ready to leave.

Rhea was ready too. For the first time she actually wore pants, it wasn't as free as wearing dresses, she would miss all of this. But, wasn't this all she always wanted? The freedom to travel? Yet it felt so bittersweet.

Curtis helped her get her things ready, he was quite, watching her humming in front of the mirror as she tried to pack all her hair but failing.

He came to help her, her hair was in such volumes she struggled to take care of it alone, he was the only one who knew how to do it for her.

"You should take Winston with you." He said as he put her hair up in a high ponytail. "If something happens, I'd feel better knowing he's with you."

She frowned, questioning him with a look. "Why Winston?"

Curtis's expression was earnest. "If something happens and takes you until winter, I'd prefer Winston to be with you. The Beast Kings can protect the city while you're away."

She looked up at him. "Curtis, will you miss me?"

What kind of question was that? Would he miss her?

"Do you not know the answer?"

"I want to hear you say it though."

"I'll miss you. I'll miss doing your hair in the morning, I'll miss how much you love my tail."

She laughed at his teasing, so his tail was just a really really good tail.

"I'll miss waking up next to you. I'll miss helping you wear your jewelry. I'll miss your scent. I'll miss seeing you do something stupid. I'll miss you, Rhea."

Her flushed at his words, was he always this romantic?

But she wasn't someone who knew how to respond to that.

With Harvey and with Winston.

But she felt if she didn't tell him how she felt this instant, she might regret it her entire life.

"I will miss you Curtis, you are my husband, for better or worse, so wait for me to come back, don't put yourself in danger and protect our daughter."

He smiled at her words, his hands racing her cheek, she held onto his hand feeling his cold skin against her. She needed to say it, just say it Rhea. Say it. Just like last time. If you don't say it you'll regret it.

"I love you Curtis."


"Alright. Leo, Qingqing, I'll entrust the issue of the salt to you," Rhea said, strapping her bags onto Winston's back. She prepared to mount him, knowing that anything else they needed would have to be forged along the way.

Leo gave her a reassuring smile, though there was a hint of worry in his eyes. "Come back conscious this time."

Her heart ached at the reminder of Harvey, and she smiled sadly. "I'll do my best."

Dali approached, her worry etched on her face. "Rhea, be careful. Remember who you are as a queen and your power as a female."

Rhea embraced Dali, their bond stronger than words could express. She kissed Dali gently on her cheek, causing a pleased blush to rise on her friend's cheeks. "Take care of Harley for me."

Dali nodded, her eyes misty. "I will. Stay safe."

With a final look at her tribe, Rhea said goodbye to her family. Winston stood ready to accompany her so she got on his back, and Alva, though reluctantly, prepared to lead the way to the Peacock Tribe flying above them.

As they approached the city gates, Rhea was taken aback by the sight before her. The people of the Black Wind Tribe had gathered to see her off. The streets were lined with familiar faces, each one filled with admiration. Children waved, women blew kisses, and men bowed their heads in acknowledgment of their queen. A chorus of voices rose, calling out to her.

"Your Majesty! Safe travels, Your Majesty!"

She fought to maintain her composure, her regal bearing masking the tumultuous emotions within. 

She kept her gaze forward, determined not to look back. Winston's keen senses picked up on her inner turmoil. He glanced up at her, concern etched in his eyes. "Rhea, are you okay?"

She gave a small, strained smile. "It's just a goodbye. Why wouldn't I be?" Something like this, shouldn't move her. 

But Winston felt the truth in the wetness against his fur, the silent tears that fell unnoticed by the crowd. 

A/N: You guys enjoyed yourself for 10 chapters. Time to go play outside. Canon diverges here. You're right I did Jean and Rosa wrong, I need to pay for my sins just wait... Give it 10 chapters

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