Their vantage point revealed fires burning down the mountain slope, though nowhere near the temple at the peak. Entire trees fell as if a rampaging beast was gobbling up the forest. The cacophony of battle thundered into Binara's ears. Pirith verses sputtered from a loudspeaker before they were snuffed out. Under bursts of lightning, she spotted several flying forms above the treetops, armor glinting copper. Garuda's birdmen!

Even as she watched, one of them fell, crashing into the trees, though she had no idea if it was a demon attack or the Yakadura's doing. Her heart clenched. The birdmen were surprisingly few in number, and that was when it occurred to her that it might have been difficult to transport a larger force into the human realm. These were no doubt a handful of elite warriors.

As the van rumbled on, Binara's stare panned away to land on a forested plateau that inched into visibility. Above it, the clouds swirled into a hellish vortex. It was no doubt the eye of the dimensional rip.

"That has to be the portal," Binara exclaimed. "It's so big it's affecting the weather."

Everyone stared out of the windows, trying to get a better look. Awed silence stretched out between them, amplifying the chaos outside.

"So demons are coming in through that?" Piumi asked in a hushed voice.

"Bahirawa and Mahasona must be holding it open." Binara took in a shuddering breath. "Diyan told me that portals require considerable skill. And this one is huge. The energy cost must be high."

"What about the battle over there?" Piumi pointed at the slope of Bahira Mountain.

"Mahasona's minions? Mara demons?"

"Where the heck is the Black Prince?" Vinod yelled above the thunder.

"Diyan might be trying to thwart Mahasona. Close the portal?" Binara's insides twisted. "Other demons are no match for him—unless he's overwhelmed. But he's got Garuda's warriors on his side."

"Well, the Yakadura are no doubt fighting them all." Piumi turned to her. "You can use Chandrahasa to convince them to ally with Diyan. Meanwhile—"

"Only the higher-ups are calling the shots," Vinod interrupted. "Binara would need to get to Molamure."

Binara pressed against the nearest window, eyes straining in the darkness. "And where would he be?"

"I dunno. Somewhere close to the battle over there. They probably headed along the main road to Bahira Mountain, which would take them to the temple at its peak. It would've been a good base of operations, since it's warded. But they might have been waylaid by the demons."

"That makes sense," Piumi muttered grimly.

Vinod continued, "The Yakadura have military-grade vehicles with demon aura shielding. Molamure might be using one as a command post to direct the operation."

"We need to get Alambara first," Binara said, jaw set. "Then head there."

No one said anything, obviously weighing the chances of success.

Rock and foliage obscured the view again. The vehicle labored on as the road grew steeper and bumpier. A dirt path branched off, engulfed by vegetation, which may have led to a small village. The beat of the drum was now louder than ever, reverberating up Binara's very spine. Next time she got a clear view of Bahira Mountain, it appeared much closer, and she spied a footbridge that connected the hill they were on to the mountainous side closer to where the battle was raging. The bridge was no doubt used to facilitate easy travel to the temple.

They ascended a particularly steep incline, and Binara didn't need the detector to sense the danger. She could discern multiple ectoplasmic signatures, which set her whole system into fight mode. The others also stiffened, eyes alert and muscles tensed. Without warning, the trees ahead parted to reveal a clearing.

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