Chapter 1: a journey's beginning

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In the sea kingdom. on a beautiful morning a seawing on the surface was running from deep palace guards. he was a color of deep blue and light blue. the guards pursuing him shout to him to stop but he just kept running,

Soon coming to a end of the island. they were on he had no choice as such he dove into the waters trying to hide in a underwater cave. he thought he had lost them but one of the deep palace guards came up behind him to restrain him,

"You're under arrest Abyss! come quietly no one needs to get hurt here." the guard said as Abyss resisted. but soon enough came along with them to see what he could have possibly done. to get the Queen's attention like this,

Abyss was dragged before Queen Coral. as he looked at her incredibly confused. but didn't wanna speak first in front of royalty,

She growl at him and spoke. "You are under suspicion of espionage Abyss. witnesses claims to have seen you stalked dragons around the bay. make your defense this better be good." Queen Coral said as Abyss wondered. what in the moons she was on about,

"Well Coral" he started as she growl at him as he had forgotten formalities. "sorry Queen Coral. I know I been on the surface for a few weeks. but surely you have no prove of actually espionage." Abyss said as he spoke truth. technically she didn't it was all eye witnesses. and it was only suspected Queen Coral didn't like it. but she let him leave. as Abyss left back to the surface with a cheeky smile on his snout,

He followed a sandwing. she had no idea Abyss was stalking her. she was a well known wanderer of the pyrrhia known as Sidewinder the wanderer. Abyss followed her making sure to not get too close. as he had heard stories of how deadly Sidewinder could be if she was caught off guard or provoked,

Many would be threats to her. had been killed by Sidewinder's power and venomous tail. Abyss followed her into a cave that sudden had light. he assumed she lit a fire for the night, Abyss bided his time waiting to see what type of dragon Sidewinder was. when no dragon was looking as was his mission as a seeker of knowledge,

Abyss continued to watch Sidewinder. looking her over she wore a choker of sort with a center gem probably onyx in origin. two golden wristbands adored with rubies. on one ear she had two gold earrings but on the other ear she had a fang fashioned into a earring. at her hips Abyss could see two bags likely for traveling gear. And a beautiful black cloak over her back. all in all Sidewinder was a fairly beautiful female sandwing,

Sidewinder settled herself down by the fire in the cave. staring into the flames probably reflecting on her journey,

Abyss flinched when she suddenly begin to speak. "by great dragonbite vipers!" She cursed "when is I gonna find a end to all this wandering?! no place hold no purpose for me!" she sounded very frustrated. sounded to Abyss like a loss of purpose. but perhaps he could help her,

Abyss step out of hiding. as two obsidian black eyes stared at him Sidewinder had seen him. her tail rolled out in a threatening manner as to tell him without words "come no closer",

Abyss quickly threw up his talons trying to tell her without words he was no threat. and had simply been watching her sadly he couldn't be completely honest as he had been stalking her openly saying "hey sorry but I been stalking you" probably would go too well for Abyss,

"Who are you seawing? Why are you coming. creeping out of the dark of the night?" Sidewinder said as she stared at him with a suspicious look on her brow,

"Don't panic miss. I just happen to pass by and saw the light from this cave. and investigate then I found you." Abyss told her only Hiding half the truth. trying to stay as sly as he could. his speaking gift had never let him down but it was still wise to be on guard,

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