"You nervous for the upcoming game Uce?" I asked Joseph.

"Yeah, I'm hoping with win. I don't want to fail us and make us loose to not make it to the championship before you can play with us." He admitted to me.

"I know but you've been doing good. Keep up the good work." I complimented him.

As we made it to the park, me and Joseph were just passing and doing a few plays.

"Yo, is that Tama over at the court?" My brother Jospeh noticed.

I turned and saw him with his brother Loa and a girl who looks like.......Maya?

"Aye isn't our brother's girl?" I questioned as I pointed. I dropped and ball and marched over there.

I pray and hope it isn't here because I would be so mad if she is betraying Jonathan like this.

"Yo!" I shouted, gathering everyone's attention.

Maya looked at me shocked and surprised, almost like she seen a ghost as she looked frightened to see me. Tama had his arm around her as he was sitting next to her so close.

"So this is where you been at instead of eating dinner with my brother?" I questioned Maya, showing her how mad I am.


"Don't be yelling at my girl." Tama said to me as he stood up and pushed me a little.

"Your girl? That's my brother's girlfriend and clearly she is using you as a side piece Uce." I stated to him.

"Josh.....I can explain-"

"Ion wanna hear shit! You cheated and betrayed my brother. He loved you and this is how you repay him?!" I shouted at her.

I scratched my head hard and walked away. I'm so furious that I saw my brother's girl cheating behind his back. Me and Joseph ran home and I instantly went into me and Jonathan's room.

He was doing homework while listing to music. He looked up at me and took off his ear buds.

"Y'all back already? It wasn't even for 20 minutes yet." Jonathan asked me.

"Yo, I just saw Tama and Maya together at the park. She's cheating on you Uce and I think she's been cheating." I admitted to her.

Jonathan didn't saying and he only just looked down on the ground.

"You sure that was her Josh?"He asked me

"I swear on my life." I said tot him.

Jonathan exploded as he knocked down his school books and threw one of his shoes across the room. He ran his fist into the wall, making almost a dent. I saw him picking up a black box from the bed and I saw him push past me and running downstairs.

I followed him as I saw Jonathan running to a near by pond behind our house.

"FUCK!" Jonathan shouted as I saw him throw a shinny sliver necklace into the pond.

He walked past me again and dropped the box onto the grass, not caring about it.

I followed him back inside the house but he slam the door in my face, not letting me in.

"It's alright. You can sleep in my room tonight Uce." Joseph told me.

I understand Jonathan needs his space. I just wish this never happened to him.


The next day at school, Jonathan didn't want to go to school but mom forced him. My mom said she didn't care if he was suffering from a broken heart.

I saw Jazzlyn by her locker and went up to her and tapped on her shoulder. She turned and looked at me. I haven't spoken to her since the kiss because she has avoided me.

"Let's talk somewhere else." I suggested to her.

"Can't we just talk here?" She asked me.


"I don't want you to kiss me like the last time." She admitted.

I rolled my eyes and just dragged to the back of the school. She struggled to let go of me and I kept my grip tight on her.

"What the hell you want bruh?" She questioned me as we I got her finally alone

"I saw your little best friend Maya with Tama at my park yesterday." I admitted to her.

"Now I know you're lying on that."

"I ain't and Jonathan is upset about it because she cheated on him with him. So I'm not lying." I told her.

"Why would she do that?" Jazzlyn questioned me.

"Ion know but I'mma confront her. I'm gonna tell her not to mess with my family again.

"I also told you that Tama is just a player and now your friend tied up with him too." I reminded her.

"I'm gonna talk to Maya about that but don't bully her. I want her to explain herself." She said to me.

I rolled my eyes and walked away and head to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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