"Thank you. Yeah, Ok." Molly says before Mommy sees me and nods for me to enter the room. Mommy gives me look that lets me know that we'll be discussing what happened to my nose later.

"Molly, this is my daughter Dr. Adelaide Montgomery. She's going to be continuing your prep work and taking your vitals, ok?" Mommy tells Molly who gives me a smile.

"We met a while ago and it's fine." Molly tells Mommy who smiles before leaving.

"Hey I'm sorry about what happened at the coffee shop that day. You didn't mean to bump into me and I was an ass." Molly says before I take her take her arm and begin to take some blood.

"It is okay. I should have been paying more attention." Molly smiles and I noticed the ring on her finger.

"That is a pretty ring."

"Oh, thanks. It was my grandma's and then my mom's. You think I'm too young to be married." Molly tells me.

"No I do not think that. I just turned twenty-one and I know people younger than me who are married. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two. Eric's twenty-three. And he's in the army and he was getting shipped out. And...I just love him so much, you know? Anyway, I proposed. Did my dad break your nose?" Molly tells me with concern in her voice.

"Did Lexie tell you?"

"Mom and I heard her yelling at my dad. He used to do the same thing to me but when I married Eric things changed. Eric made it known to dad that if he hurt me again Eric would report him to the police. Eric said the same thing would happen if he hurts mom or Lexie. But ever since dad answered the door a few weeks ago, he's gone back to his old ways." Molly tells me when I finish taking her blood and give her a smile.

"Where are your parents and sister?"

"They are getting food or at least what mom told me. If I know them like I do, they are arguing outside of the hospital building. Lexie and I knew about Meredith before but dad didn't want us to meet her. Mom was always the one who wanted us to get together." Molly says and I take her hand.

"My mother is the best in her field and will make sure your baby is okay. I should not even give you hope because as a doctor I have to be realistic. But my mother has done plenty of these surgeries and they have a 98% success rate." Molly gives me a teary smile and I give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"What about the other 2%?" Molly asks me.

"Those are in extremely rare cases Molly. If it gets to that I will be there for support."

"Okay. Adelaide, do you think Meredith likes Lexie and I?" Molly asks me.

"I believe so. She only hates your father for not being in her life since she was five. The rest of you have nothing to do with that. I should get going but I will check on you later." I tell Molly before leaving the room and walked down the hallway when a loud piercing scream enters my ears. Covering my ears, I look over at the source of the sound and see Izzie standing there with a smirk on her face.

"Derek told me that loud noises in your ears will make you have a sensory overload and you won't be able to work. You don't deserve to be a surgeon especially if you can't handle noises! Maybe that's why your biological mother put you in that mental institution because she knew what a retard you really are." Izzie says raising her voice and I run away from her with my hands still on my ears. The sounds were becoming too much like power drills pounding into my ears and my scrubs begin to feel like needles. People were staring and some were even laughing which made my eyes fill up with tears.

"I suggest everyone laughing get back to work or I'll make sure you all don't see the inside of an OR for a year." Winifred says with a glare towards everyone before walking over to me. But I couldn't stay to hear what Winifred has to say because I bolt away and entered a room. It appears to be someone's office, but I don't care at the moment before sinking to the ground and hit my head against the wall.


Arizona's POV

"Who's office is that?" Winifred asks me while pointing to my office door.

"Mine. What's going on?"

"Adelaide ran in there because she's having a sensory overload. It doesn't help that Izzie's the cause of this because she yelled into Adelaide's ears. Olivia informed me of that when she paged me because she saw exactly what happened. Addison's in surgery and Meredith's with Callie. I already informed them about what happened. People were staring at Adelaide most with concern for her while some were laughing at her. I have an important surgery or I would go in there." Winifred tells me.

"Don't worry I'm going to help her. Page Addison and Amelia for me." Winifred nods before I enter my office to see Adelaide on the ground hitting her head against the wall. Sitting on the ground, I pulled Adelaide onto my lap and she tries to hit her head against my chest.

"We can't have you damaging your head bunny." Adelaide whimpers clearly afraid that I'd be upset.

"I'm not upset with you bunny. I just don't want you to hurt yourself." Adelaide takes off her scrub top and tugs at my shirt clearly wanting skin-to-skin contact, so I also take off my top. Adelaide lays her head on my chest and puts her thumb in her mouth clearly regressed. So I go into the pocket of my shirt, taking out a new pacifier that I always had on hand before taking her thumb out of her mouth and replaced it with the pacifier.

"Mama." Adelaide says. I was elated that she called me that but hated that it was because of what Izzie did.

"Mama's here bunny. Mama's here." Adelaide closes her eyes and instantly falls asleep on my lap. The door opens revealing Addison who comes to sit on the floor with us.

"Winifred paged Amelia who ran away to get me from my office. Now Alex is making sure that Amelia doesn't kill Izzie." Addison tells me.

"I say let her. Addie, Adelaide was hitting her head against the wall and against my chest when I placed her on my lap. She looked so scared and helpless, afraid that I was mad at her. But she also called me mama."

"She did? I'm glad she trusts you to call you that." Addison tells me with a smile on her face.

"I wish it wasn't because of what that bitch did though. Has she ever hit her head against the wall before during a sensory overload before?"

"Yeah when Derek or Bizzy would scream in her ear as a child. Now I know where Stevens got that idea from. If I tell Amelia that right now she would kill Derek and Winifred would help her cover it up." Addison tells me before placing a kiss on our daughter's temple.

"I'm sure Meredith and Alex would help them."

"Miranda, George and Cristina would make sure they don't get in trouble." Addison tells me before letting out a quiet sigh.

"She's going to be okay because she has people who love her." Addison nods in agreement before laying her head on my shoulder.

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